Amphibians and Reptiles: An Introduction to Herpetofauna Compiled by the Davidson College Herpetology Laboratory Photos by Pierson Hill and Aubrey Heupel Eastern Hognose Snake Green Treefrog
Amphibians and Reptiles Ectothermic Use outside energy sources to maintain body temperature for metabolism and regulatory functions Cryptic Very difficult to detect even though they can be highly abundant Fence Lizard River Cooters Northern Watersnake Timber Rattlesnake Photos by J.D. Willson, Kristen Cecala, Wayne Van Devender, and M.E. Dorcas River Cooters, Fence Lizard, Northern Watersnake, Timber Rattlesnake (Canebrake), Timber Rattlesnake (Canebrake), Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Timber Rattlesnake Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Tetrapods Snakes have evolutionarily lost their legs Humans evolved from one of the same ancestors of extant reptiles Non-Tetrapod Vertebrates Frogs Salamanders Caecilians Reptiles Birds Mammals Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Photo by Eric Stine Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Extant = currently living species, not extinct Adapted from the WhoZoo
Amphibians and Reptiles Very important to the ecosystem Prey and Predator Prey item for animals including raccoons, opossums, and birds Prey upon insects, mice, and rats Bio-indicator An animal that can indicate the health of an environment by its population structure and abundance Green Salamander Ringneck Snake Spring Salamander Photos by Kristen Cecala (stream) and J.D. Willson (all others) Green Salamander, Spring Salamander, Ringneck Snake, Eastern Spadefoot, Green Anole Eastern Spadefood Toad Green Anole
Amphibians 88 Species in North Carolina Highest salamander diversity in the world! Huge Biomass Biomass: Total weight of all amphibians in an area One isolated wetland produced 3 tons of amphibians Spotted Salamander Photos by J. D. Willson Spotted Salamander, Three-Lined Salamander, Southern Leopard Frog Three-Lined Salamander Southern Leopard Frog
Amphibian Characteristics Permeable skin Permeable: Allows the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide to allow respiration Can allow the uptake of chemicals in the environment Good olfaction Olfaction: Sense of smell Prey upon: Insects, other amphibians, anything small enough to fit into their mouths, even mice Green Frog Spring Salamander Green Frog (Photo by J.D. Willson), Spring Salamander (Photo by K. Cecala)
Frogs Tadpoles lose tails and grow legs as they metamorphose True Frogs Rana Tree Frogs Hyla Toe pads Grey Tree Frog Southern Leopard Frog Bull Frog All Photos by J. D. Willson Southern Leopard Frog, Bullfrog, Grey Tree Frog, Spring Peeper, Green Treefrog, Upland Chorus Frog Spring Peeper Upland Chorus Frog Green Tree Frog
Toads Fowler’s Toad Similar to frogs Tadpoles lose tail and grow legs as they metamorphose into adults Less dependent upon water than frogs Have warty skin Paratoid Glands: Glands behind the eye that secrete toxin American Toad Photos by J. D. Willson American Toad, Fowler’s Toad
Salamanders Plethodontids: No lungs Ambystomatids: Lungs Hellbenders Obligate, aerobic respiration through the skin Ambystomatids: Lungs Facultative, aerobic respiration through the skin Hellbenders Grow to 2 feet in the USA, but up to 5 feet in Japan Hidden gills Spring Salamander Photos by Kristen Cecala Spring Salamander, Marbled Salamander, hellbender Obligate – only way possible Facultative – possible, but not obligate Marbled Salamander Photo by Kristen Cecala Hellbender
Amphibian Breeding Locations Spring Salamander Larva Streams Adults utilize upland habitat for feeding Use stream for breeding, larval period, and occasional foraging Wetlands Adults live and feed in upland habitat Return to wetlands to breed and undergo larval periods Terrestrial Adults never require water for reproduction No larval stage Utilize moisture under logs and leaf litter Spring Salamander Larva (Photo Pierson Hill), Wetland (Photo by A. Mercadante) Redback Salamander (2 color phases) (Photo by K. Cecala) Redback Salamander
Caecilians Live in the tropics Leg-less and blind Look very similar to a worm Photos by Shannon Pittman and J. D. Willson Caecilians
Amphibian Life Cycle Upland Chorus Frog Frog eggs Spring Peeper calling Cricket Frog Spring Peeper Tadpole/Metamorph Pine Woods Tree Frog Tadpole Frog Eggs (Photo by J.D. Willson) , Pine Woods Tree Frog Tadpole (Photo by JD Willson), Spring Peeper Tadpole/Metamorph (photo by K. Cecala), Cricket Frog (Photo by K. Cecala), Spring Peeper (photo by Aubrey Heupel), Upland Chorus Frog (Photo by JD Willson)
Amphibian Defense Mechanisms American Toad Green Frog Tadpole Toxin in skin Toads and Newts Producing large numbers of offspring Producing noisy squawks when attacked Red-Spotted Newt Photos by J.D. Willson American Toad, Red-Spotted Newt, Green Frog Tadpole
Reptiles 70 species in North Carolina from 4 groups Antarctica the only continent without reptiles Snakes have no legs, but still tetrapods Evolutionary loss of legs Boas still maintain a pelvic girdle Copperhead Eastern Painted Turtle (Photo by J.D. Willson), Broadhead Skink (Photo by J.D. Willson), Copperhead (Photo by J. D. Willson), American Alligator( Photo by ME Dorcas) 4 groups are snakes, turtles, lizards, and crocodiles American Alligator Broadhead Skink Eastern Painted Turtle
Reptiles First vertebrates to become independent of water for reproduction Some reptiles have reverted to aquatic lifestyles, but still reproduce without water Sea Snakes Swamp Snake Snapping Turtle Sea Turtles Photos by J.D. Willson Snapping Turtle, Black Swamp Snake Black Swamp Snake Snapping Turtle
Reptiles Ectothermic Maintain a constant temperature range Maintained by basking, movement, and shivering Brummation = hibernation Yellowbelly Slider Yellowbelly Slider
Crocodilians American Alligator Osteoderms Temperature Sex Determination Sex of offspring determined by the temperature at which eggs are incubated Photos by J. D. Willson American Alligator Osteoderms: Bony scutes: their bones are embedded in their skin making it very tough American Alligators
Turtles Temperature sex determination Vertebrae integrated into shell Eastern Painted Turtle Snapping Turtle Temperature sex determination Vertebrae integrated into shell No teeth: Beak similar to a bird Omnivorous 3 habitats Marine Freshwater Terrestrial Eastern Painted Turtle (Photo by J.D. Willson), Loggerhead Sea Turtle (photo by J.D. Willson), Box Turtle (Photo by J.D. Willson), Snapping Turtle (Photo by M.E. Dorcas) Loggerhead Sea Turtle Box Turtle
Squamata Snakes and lizards Jacobson’s organ Extremely movable jaw Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Snakes and lizards Jacobson’s organ Olfactory organ Tongue flicks out of the mouth and moves chemicals in the air to the organ Extremely movable jaw Green Anole Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake ( Photo by Eric Stine), Rough Green Snake (Photo by M.E. Dorcas), Scarlet Kingsnake (Photo by J.D. Willson), Green Anole (Photo by K. Cecala) Rough Green Snake Scarlet Kingsnake
Lizards Extremely variable and diverse Leg-less Lizards Five-lined Skink Extremely variable and diverse Many endemic species Leg-less Lizards Glass Lizards or Jointed Snakes Lizards have eyelids and ear holes that snakes do not Fence Lizard Photos by J.D. Willson, except Fence lizard by K. Cecala Five-Lined Skink, Fence Lizard, Ground Skink, Slender Glass Lizard, Slender Glass Lizard Slender Glass Lizard Ground Skink
Snakes 37 species in North Carolina 6 venomous species Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake - venomous 37 species in North Carolina 6 venomous species Copperhead, Cottonmouth, Coral Snake, Timber Rattlesnake, Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, and Pigmy Rattlesnake Most species are non-venomous Scarlet Kingsnake – non-venomous Photos by J.D. Willson Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, Scarlet Kingsnake, Ringneck Snake, Black Rat Snake Ringneck Snake – non-venomous Black Rat Snake – non-venomous
Snakes All lack legs Lack ear openings Shed their skin to grow Hear vibrations through the ground Shed their skin to grow Either lay eggs or give birth to live young Eastern Hognose Snake Ringneck Snake Eastern Hognose Snake (Photo by Pierson Hill), Ringneck Snake (Photo by M.E. Dorcas), Coachwhip, Redbelly Watersnake, Black Racer (all 3 Photos by J.D. Willson) Redbelly Watersnake Black Racer Coachwhip
Snake Feeding Entirely carnivorous Swallow prey whole Can eat prey much larger than themselves Some use venom to immobilize prey Some constrict their prey Some actively forage for prey Some sit and wait for prey to approach them Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake eating a Cottontail Rabbit Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake eating a Cottontail Rabbit (Photo by Drew Sanders), Scarlet Kingsnake eating a Green Anole (Photo by J. D. Willson) Scarlet Kingsnake eating a Green Anole
Snake Defense Mechanisms Crypsis: Staying camouflaged When detected: Flee, musk, gape, rattle When these do not work, snakes may strike This occurs only when a snake feels threatened and has no other option to protect itself Cottonmouth Cottonmouth (Photo by J. D. Willson), Eastern Diamondback (Photo by Eric Stine), Eastern Hognose Snake (Photo by Pierson Hill), Brown Watersnake (Photo by K. Cecala) Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Eastern Hognose Snake Brown Watersnake
Conservation Many amphibians are in decline 32% of amphibians endangered versus 12% of birds or 23% of mammals 43% of amphibian populations are declining Few populations are known to be increasing Grey Tree Frog Grey Tree Frog (Photo by Aubrey Heupel), Red Salamander (Photo by K. Cecala), Bog Turtle (Photo by M.E. Dorcas), Eastern Kingsnake (Photo by J. D. Willson) Red Salamander Eastern Kingsnake Bog Turtle
Causes of Decline Habitat destruction Disease Pollution Over-exploitation Climate change Invasive species How many are human caused? Photos by Steve Price
What can you do? Enjoy finding and observing amphibians and reptiles Don’t keep wild amphibians and reptiles as pets Don’t kill snakes Make sure you know a poisonous species looks like before handling snakes, and NEVER touch or threaten a poisonous snake Don’t release any amphibian or reptile pet into the wild Photobs by L. Harshaw, K. Cecala, and L. Harshaw
Questions? Corn Snake Corn Snake