PA Mammals Envirothon 2011
Predator A predator is an animal that feeds on other animals in order to survive. Some examples would be bears, coyotes, snakes Some predators can also be prey as well, like sometimes lions eat other lions Most of the time predators herbivore
Prey Prey are the animals eaten to keep other animals alive. More often then not the animals eaten are herbivores. Some examples of prey are bunnies, mice, and fish.
Autotrophs v. Heterotrophs Produce food from the sun Heterotroph Must eat other things (living or non living) for energy
Carnivore Animals that eat meat, mostly other animals that are smaller than they are or less fierce. Some examples of carnivores Bobcats Coyotes Owls Praying mantis
Herbivores Herbivores are animals that eat plants and greens such as leaves and grass. When herbivores eat it is usually called grazing. An example of an herbivore would be a rabbit or goat.
Omnivore An omnivore is an animal that eats plants and other animals. An example of an omnivore would be a bear because a bear eats berries and fish.
Food Chain The food chain is the order in which the animals eat or are eaten.
FOOD CHAINS AND FOOD WEBS - illustrate the flow of energy in an ecosystem *Note the direction of the arrows: they indicate where the energy is going when one organism consumes another. Each step in a chain or web is called a TROPHIC LEVEL
Identify: Autotroph Primary Consumers Secondary Consumers Tertiary Consumers Find the Omnivore
Identify Autotroph Primary consumer Secondary consumer Two sets of leaves Primary consumer Mouse, cricket, rabbit, squirrel Secondary consumer Fox, mouse, frog, snake Tertiary consumer Fox, owl, snake Omnivore mouse
Ecological Pyramids Energy Pyramid Biomass Pyramid Pyramid of Numbers
Mammal Mammals (formally Mammalia) are a class of vertebrate, air-breathing animals whose females are characterized by the possession of mammary glands while both males and females are characterized by hair and/or fur, three middle ear bones used in hearing, and a neocortex region in the brain. Some mammals have sweat glands, but most do not. Give birth to live young.
Endangered Pose a threat to go extinct. Some endangered animals are Gray wolf, Mexican bobcat, West Indian Manatee, and the jaguar.
Extinct No longer in existence. Some animals that are extinct are Barbados Raccoon, Bulldog rat, and Dark flying fox.
Why animals go extinct or become endangered. Loss of habitat Low food source Not enough room to live Poachers Pollution Killed of by other animals Disease
Major causes of habitat loss in Pa. Deforestation Water pollution Mining Logging Trawling- when boats use nets to catch fish. Urban sprawl- when cities get bigger Noise pollution
How we can help. Reduce Reuse Recycle Refuse Car pool Turn off lights when not in use. Use energy saving light bulbs. Reuse unbleached recycled paper.
Adaptations Usually related to the food they eat Teeth Feet Muscular system Eyes/eyesight
Teeth adaptations Human – omnivore Herbivore Carnivore