Forest Predator/Prey- predator does the hunting, prey is what is being hunted Hawk hunting a squirrel.


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Presentation transcript:

Forest Predator/Prey- predator does the hunting, prey is what is being hunted Hawk hunting a squirrel.

Scavenger- organisms eat dead organisms. Eats dead organisms.

Competition- organisms fight over resources. Frog and snake compete for reasourses.

Mutualism- both organisms are benefited. Bug is eating bugs and plant doesn’t get eaten.

Commensalism- one organisms benefits and other isn’t harmed Be is benefiting and flower isn’t harmed.

Parasitism- one organism benefits and other is harmed Bird is eating a grasshopper.

Have high concentrations of lignin. Decomposers- organisms that break down organism.

Predator/ prey- predator hunts. Prey is being hunted. Rain forest Snake is the predator frog is the prey.

Scavenger- organisms that eat dead organsms. Dung beetle is eating a dead millipede.

Mutualism Bugs are eating a dead bug.

commensalism Aunts eating leaves that fell of tree.

Parasitism Fungi grew on plant and is killing the tree.


Leopard seal eating a penguin. Tundra Predator/prey

Bear eating dead body. scavenger

Mom protects baby and her baby is safe mutualism

Bird is benefiting deer isn’t harmed commensalism

Bear is benefited while fox is harmed. Parasitism

Dear fighting for food. competition

Decomposers in the tundra. decomposers

Salt water predator/prey Shark is predator fish is the prey.

scavenger Beatle eats dead fish.

competition Sharks competing.



parasitism Sea lies

Decomposers Sea cucumbers are decomposers

Desert Snake eating a mouse.

Scavenger Turkey vulture is a scavenger.

Competition Mice fighting over food in the desert.