THAILAND Priority Implementation Actions Bangkok, Thailand March 10, 2013 Planning Meeting of the Tiger Range Countries’ National Focal Points on the Global Tiger Recovery Program Implementation Plan for
1: Actively strengthen the front lines Goal 1: Promote living condition of front line staffs. Action 1: Increase salary of patrolling staff about 50% Goal 2: Expand coverage in SMART patrolling Action 2: Build capacity to implement SMART Patrol in other PAs of WEFCOM, KaengKrachan, and Dong PraYa Yen forest complexes Goal3: Promote working inspiration to nature conservation Action 3: Cooperate with NGOs or nature conservation foundation for the subsidiary payment to the frontline staff incase of death or injury. Goal 4: Strengthen law enforcement to combat illegal wildlife trade. Action 4: Establish a new wildlife forensic laboratory & DNA/stripes database of captive tigers.
5. Support launch tiger restoration programs Goal : Increase prey density in potential tiger source sites. Action : Re-introduce tiger’s prey (about 130 sambars, 50 eld’s deer, and 115 hog deer) in Mae Wong National Park, Thung Salang Luang National Park, Kui Buri National Park and Phu Kheiw Wildlife Sanctuary
6. Accelerate the flow of national and external funds to support actions on the ground Specific Goal : Improve management effectiveness at HKK-TY Action : Implement GEF project on title ”Strengthening Capacity and Incentives for Wildlife Conservation at Huai Kha Khaeng -Thung Yai Naresuan World Heritage Site”
PIAs Funding($m) SecuredGap ACTION 1Increase salary of patrolling staff about 50% ACTION 2Build capacity to implement SMART Patrol in other PAs ACTION 3Cooperate with NGOs for the subsidiary payment to the staff 00.1 ACTION 4Establish a wildlife forensic laboratory & database of captive tigers 0.50 ACTION 5Implement SMART patrol system for the entire population 0.70 ACTION 6Establish 200 new ranger stations in all critical tiger habitats 3.60 ACTION 7Put 25 new fully-equipped teams into SMART patrolling ACTION 8Develop sustainable economies that support 5 local communities 0.30 ACTION 9Establish joint protocol and regular trans-boundary law enforcement 00.3 ACTION 10Re-introduce tiger's prey in potentials source site 1.80 ACTION 11Implement GEF project on title "Strengthening Capacity and Incentives for Wildlife Conservation at HKK-TY" 70 ACTION 12Develop wildlife-based ecotourism strategy in HKK 0.30 ACTION 13Produce quality publications to the public 00.1 ACTION 14NTRP Evaluation and proposed the new actions -- ACTION 15Build capacity and implement standard monitoring to conduct and publish tiger and prey surveys TOTAL
9. Develop national two-year action plans to better monitor NTRP/GTRP implementation Goal 1: Strengthen the implementation of Tiger action plan. Action 1 :NTRP Evaluation and proposed the new actions Goal 2: Expand monitoring system to all tiger source sites. Action 2 : Build capacity and implement standard monitoring to conduct and publish tiger and prey surveys in all WEFCOM, KrangKra Chan and Dong PraYa Yen KhaoYai Forest complexes- as described in PIAs.