قصة لها معنى ٍٍٍSignificant Story عربى English
لعله خيراً كان لأحد الملوك وزير حكيم وكان الملك يقربه منه ويصطحبه معه في كل مكان...وكان كلما أصاب الملك ما يكدره...قال له الوزير "لعله خيراً" فيهدأ الملك وفي إحدى المرات قُطع إصبع الملك...فقال الوزير "لعله خيراً ”... فغضب الملك غضباً شديداً وقال ما الخير في ذلك؟! وأمر بحبس الوزير. فقال الوزير الحكيم "لعله خيراً" ومكث الوزير فترة طويلة في السجن
وفي يوم خرج الملك للصيد...وابتعد عن الحراس ليتعقب فريسته، فمر على قوم يعبدون صنم...فقبضوا عليه ليقدموه قرباناً للصنم... ولكنهم تركوه بعد أن اكتشفوا أن قربانهم إصبعه مقطوع.. فانطلق الملك فرحاً بعد أن أنقذه الله من الذبح تحت قدم تمثال لا ينفع ولا يضر... وأول ما أمر به فور وصوله القصر أن أمر الحراس أن يأتوا بوزيره من السجن... واعتذر له عما صنعه معه
وقال أنه أدرك الآن الخير في قطع إصبعه، وحمد الله تعالى على ذلك... ولكنه سأله عندما أمرت بسجنك قلت "لعله خيراً” فما الخير في ذلك؟ فأجابه الوزير أنه لو لم يسجنه.. لَصاحَبَهُ فى الصيد فكان سيُقدم قرباناً بدلاً من الملك...
خروج خروج فكان في صنع الله كل الخير في هذه القصة ألطف رسالة لكل مبتلى كي يطمئن قلبه ويرضى بقضاء الله عز وجل ويكن على يقين أن في هذا الابتلاء الخير له في الدنيا والآخرة ... قل لمن يحمل هماً إن همك لن يدوم مثلما تفنى السعادة هكذا تفنى الهموم خروج خروج
May be it's for Best Once upon a time there was a king; he had a very wise minister. He was very close to the king and he accompanied the king wherever he went. Whenever something bad happened to the king the minister says “may be it's for the best” when the king hears this he calms down.
Once the king chopped his finger, the minister said “may be it's for the best” the king got very angry and said “ there is nothing good about cutting my finger” and he ordered the minister to be put in jail, and so the minister stayed in jail for a long time.
One day the king went hunting and he gone astray from his guards while chasing his prey. He passed by a tribe who worshiped idols they captured the king to offer him as a sacrifice for their gods, but they refrained from doing so only because he had a missed finger, they let the king go and he thanked Allah.
The king hurried back home happy that Allah saved him from being slaughtered underneath a useless statue, as soon as he arrived he ordered the minister out of jail, he apologized for the minister for putting him in prison, and he told him “now I know the good reason for chopping my finger and I thank Allah the almighty for that” But the king asked the minister “when I ordered you to prison you said maybe it is for good reason,
what is good about putting you in jail what is good about putting you in jail? The minister replied back saying” if you didn’t order me to prison I would have accompanied you in hunting and the tribe would have captured me instead and slaughtered me for their gods instead of you”
All Allah’s arrangements are for a good reason In the above story a message for every afflicted so that his heart would calm down and accept the arrangement of Allah the almighty. Tell the grieved that their grief, will not last for long as happiness end, grief will come to an end. EXIT