My Animal Report by Jesse. Falcon Table of Contents Introduction …………………………………p.3 What Do Falcons Look Like?………p.4 What Do falcons Eat....................p.5.


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Presentation transcript:

My Animal Report by Jesse


Table of Contents Introduction …………………………………p.3 What Do Falcons Look Like?………p.4 What Do falcons Eat p.5 Where Do Falcons Live? p.6 Do Falcons Have Predators? p.7 Interesting Facts About Falcons …………p.8 Conclusion …………………………………p.9

Introduction Look in the sky it’s a falcon. It’s the fastest bird in the world! Its speed can catch its pray in about 50 min.

What Do Facons Look Like? Falcons have a sharp Beak. Peracon falcons back is blue and gray. They can be 34 to 58 cm. Also there wing span Is 14 to 20 cm. Peracon falcons head is black. It looks like it has a moustache. Is 14 to 20 cm.

What Do Eat? Falcons Falcon eats birds.A It also eats small mammles. Also it eats bats,rodents.

Where Do falcons Live? Falcons are found in the Arctic Tundera. Also they can be found in the tropics. You can also find Falcon in the tropical rain forest.New zealand `canada.

Do falcons Have Predators? The falcons main predators is use humans and wolves. Also, On the ground Eagles and Large owls. It is amazing that another raptor is there predators.

Interesting Facts About Falcons A interesting fact about falcons is that it is a Raptor.It closes its wings to catch its prey. It is also named the duck hawk. Also known as the wandering falcon.

Conclusion I picked a falcon because my little brother likes falcons. Also because they are cool. I mostly picked a falcon because They have speed.