Dome Ring
Determine your ring size. Sizer should slide on easily but be hard to get off. A dash – means a half size.
Cut a tag board pattern It should be the same length and width as your metal piece.
Mark length on tag board. Make your ring 2-3 sizes larger than the size you wear. It shrinks when domed! Wrap around mandrel and mark length.
Transfer length to metal
Cut metal to length
File end flat Flatten the metal with a mallet before filing. Be careful not to rock your wrist.
Bend ring into a triangle Use non-serrated pliers. Anneal if needed.
Flatten to close On laminate table, push down with your palm until ends come together. Use pliers to adjust for a perfect seam
Solder Ring sits on top of the Medium solder. Use about a 2-3mm piece.
Remember solder steps! Pickle, Rinse, Dry Add flux Lay out medium solder Put ring on top so you can see the seam PUT ON GOGGLES! PULL HAIR BACK! Heat the block, not the metal Let air cool Quench Pickle, Rinse, Dry
File sides even
Round ring on mandrel
Sand the ring seam You should be able to get the seam to disappear.
Remove firescale Use a Cratex bullet on the flex shaft Use outside ring holder to get the inside. Use a wooden mandrel to get the outside.
Put ring into dapping block Choose the smallest dimple that isn’t too tight
Dome the ring with a hammer Begin with very little pressure and only a couple taps per side. Flip frequently to keep sides even. Increase pressure as you work, since the metal will be work-hardening as you pound. When the ring fits you, stop doming.
Hit the ring straight on with the hammer.
Buff your ring When you dome, burs sometimes form on the inside edge of the ring. Sand these off before buffing. Buff on wooden mandrel angled toward the wheel.
Clean Use ultrasonic cleaner, then scrub with toothbrush and warm water.