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Please unwrap candies and turn off cell phones at this time. Photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited. Supertitles provided by Chadwick Creative Arts
At the accustomed hour, as the perfumed plain made glowing red by the dawn celebrates a new day…
Let’s unite our prayers to calm the wrath of menacing Brahma.
Be blessed, you who give homage to the abandoned priest whom they revile and insult!
We will wear out the wrath of our hated conquerors; they’ve driven our gods from their secular temples!
But above their heads, Brahma has suspended his vengeance, and when it bursts forth, it will be our deliverance.
As I retire today, the power of our god shines. I see him, I rise up to him, whenever I hear my daughter praying!
White Dourga, pale Siva, powerful Ganeça! You, whom Brahma created, be appeased, protect us!
Go in peace, and as you leave, recite the morning prayer. God is listening to you!
At the accustomed hour, as the perfumed plain made glowing red by dawn celebrates the new day…
Let’s unite our prayers to calm the wrath of menacing Brahma.
Lakmé, it’s you who protects us!
And if I can defy the sacrilegious hate of the triumphant enemy, it’s because god takes pity on the innocence of a child.
When Brahma in his clemency, while crushing a flower, created the earth and heaven, he left the honey inside; and it was hope!
- I must leave you now. - What, already?
Have no fear. They are waiting for me at the holy pagoda. The celebration of tomorrow is calling!
- Stay close to Lakmé. - We’ll both watch over her.
I’ll be back by the end of the day.
May heaven protect you, guide you by the hand, drive off all sacrilege along your way.
Come, Mallika, the blooming vines cast their shadows over the sacred stream which calmly runs, wakened by the birds’ songs!
Mistress, it’s the hour I see you smiling, the blessed hour I can read into the oft closed heart of Lakmé.
Under the thick dome of jasmine and rose, let’s go over the banks, laughing in the cool morning…
Let’s gently slip in, following the fleeting current…
In the quivering waves, with unhurried hand, let’s paddle to the other bank where the current sleeps, and the bird sings.
Let’s go together under the thick dome of jasmine and rose…
But, I don’t know what sudden fear is taking hold of me!
My father goes alone into their accursed city; I tremble with fear!
So that Ganeça may protect him, let’s go to the pond where snow winged swans happily frolic, and gather the blue lotus.
Under the thick dome of jasmine and rose, let’s go over the banks, laughing in the cool morning…
Let’s gently slip in, following the fleeting current…
In the quivering waves, with unhurried hand, let’s paddle to the other bank where the current sleeps, and the bird sings.
Let’s go together under the thick dome of jasmine and rose…