Chapter 13: In Praise of Allah – The Art of the Islamic World AP Art History Chapter 13: In Praise of Allah – The Art of the Islamic World
Chronology: 570-1600 1000-1100 Fall of Umayyad Caliphate in Spain:1031 Seljuk Dynasty estab. In Iran: 1038 First Crusade Captures Jerusalem: 1099 1100-1200 Saladin founds Ayyubid Dynasty in Egypt: 1171 Saladin captures Jerusalem from Crusaders: 1187 1200-1300 Sultanate of Delhi estab. 1206 Nasrid Dynasty estab. At Granada: 1230 Mamluk Dynasty estab. In Egypt: 1250 Mongols sack Baghdad: 1258 Ottoman Empire founded: 1281 1300-1500 Ottomans capture Constantinople: 1453 Fall of Granada to the Christians: 1492 1500-1600 Safavid Dynasty estab. In Iran: 1501 Mughal Dynasty estab. In India: 1526 Ottomans Capture Baghdad: 1534 570-700 Birth of Muhammad: ca. 570 Muhammad’s 1st revelation: 610 Muhammad’s flight to Medina (Hijra): 622 Death of Muhammad in Median: 632 Muslims capture Jerusalem: 638 Muslim conquest of Lower Egypt: 642 Umayyad Caliphate established: 661 700-800 Muslim armies enter Spain: 711 Charles Martel defeats Muslims at Poitiers: 732 Abbasid Caliphate established: 750 Umayyad Caliphate established in Spain: 756 Abbasids found Baghdad: 762 800-900 Samanid Dynasty estab. in Transoxiana: 819 900-1000 Fatimid Dynasty established in Egypt: 909 Fatimids found Cairo: 969
The Islamic World
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 687-692
Detail of Dome of the Rock, Interior
Aerial view of the Great Mosque, Damascus, Syria 706-715
Detail of a mosaic in the Courtyard arcade of the Great Mosque, Damascus
Plan of the Umayyad palace, Mshatta, Jordan, ca. 740-750
Aerial view of the Great Mosque, Kairouan, Tunisia, ca. 836-873
Plan of the Great Mosque, Kairouan, Tunisia
Malwiya minaret of the Great Mosque, Samarra, Iraq, 848-852
Mausoleum of the Samanids, Bukhara, Ubekistan early 10th century
Prayer hall of the Great Mosque, Alternate view Prayer hall of the Great Mosque, Cordoba, Spain, 8th to 10th centuries Exterior View
Maqsura of the Great Mosque, Cordoba, Spain, 961-965
Dome in the front of the mihrab Of the Great Mosque, Cordoba, Spain, 961-965
Confronting lions and palm tree, fragment of textile near Bukhara, Ubekistan, 8th century
Sulayman, Ewer in the form of a bird, 796
Koran page with beginning of surah 18, al-Kahif (The Cave) 9th or early 10th century
Muqarnas dome, Hall of the Two Sisters, Alhambra palace, Granada, Spain, 1354-1391
Madrasa-mosque-mausoleum complex of Sultan Hassan Cairo, Egypt, begun 1356
Mihrab of the Sanctuary Liwan (interior) of Sultan Hassan Mosque
Sinan, Mosque of Selim II, Edirne, Turkey, 1568-1575 Sinan, interior of the Mosque of Selim II
Aerial view of the Great Mosque, Isfahan, Iran 11th to 17th centuries
Winter prayer hall of the Shahi (Imam) Mosque, Detail Winter prayer hall of the Shahi (Imam) Mosque, Isfahan, Iran, 1611-1638
Carpet from the funerary mosque of Shaykh ali-Din, Ardabil, Iran, 1540 Maqsud of Kashan, Carpet from the funerary mosque of Shaykh ali-Din, Ardabil, Iran, 1540 Mihrab from the Madrasa Imami, Isfahan, Iran, ca. 1354
Muhammad Ibn ali-Zayn, basin from Egypt, ca. 1300
Canteen with episodes of the life of Christ, From Syria, ca. 1240-1250
Comparison Section
Study the reproductions of the following buildings: Hagia Sophia (Figs Study the reproductions of the following buildings: Hagia Sophia (Figs. 12-3 to 12-5), The Mosque of Cordoba (Figs. 13-11 to 13-13), and the Pantheon (Fig. 10-48). Compare The lighting effects created by each and describe the means used to achieve such effects. Hagia Sophia (alt. view) Mosque of Cordoba (13-11) Pantheon (alt. view)
figures and depict them? Which do you like best? Why? Compare the treatment of the figures on the Islamic basin shown in Fig. 13-29 with the Roman horseman shown in the Roman relief (Fig. 10-58), the Roman Sarcophagus (Fig. 10-71), and the Byzantine Barberini ivory (Fig. 12-1). What compositional devices does each artist use and how does each organize multiple figures and depict them? Which do you like best? Why? Roman horsemen (Fig. 10-58) Islamic basin (Fig. 13-29) Roman Sarcophagus (Fig. 10-58) Barberini Ivory (Fig. 12-1)