Word ListTimeline Mu‘awiya ibn Abi Sufyan Umayyads Marw/Merv Umayyad caliphate Caliphate of Mu‘awiya Bukhara taken Samarqand taken.
Word ListTimeline Berbers Visigoths Jabal Tariq (Gibralter) Charles Martel Most of Spain taken Last attack on Constantinople. 732 or 733 Franks defeat Muslims at Tours/ Poitiers.
Word ListTimeline ‘Abd al-Malik qadi (judge) jizya (poll tax) Caliphate of ‘Abd al-Malik.
Word ListTimeline mawali (non-Arab converts) hadith‘ilm (knowledge/divine guidance) imam (prayer/spiritual leader)kharijis shi‘is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talibal-Husayn Karbala’ Ja‘far al-SadiqIbn al-Hanafiyya 680 Death of al-Husayn at Karbala’.
Word ListTimeline Sunni Islam (“mainstream” Islam) Marwan II ‘Abbasids Hashim‘Abd Allah ibn al-‘Abbas Abu MuslimKhurasan c. 745 ‘Abbasids send Abu Muslim east to raise revolt. 747 Abu Muslim raises revolt in Khurasan.
749 Battle of the Lower Zab. Abu’l-‘Abbas al-Saffah acclaimed caliph in Kufa. 750 Battle of the Upper Zab. Marwan II and other Umayyads killed. ‘Abd al-Rahman escapes to Spain. Timeline
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Great Umayyad Mosque, Damascus, from the air. (Sacred Sites:.) Plan of Prophet’s Mosque, Medina. (F) The Great Mosque at Damascus: ‘Umayya Mosque’. 8th c AD. Plan. (F) Courtyard, Great Umayyad Mosque, Damascus. (A) The Great Mosque at Damascus, exterior view: colonnade. 8th c AD. (F) Prayer Hall, Great Umayyad Mosque, Damascus. (Al Mashriq:.) Mihrab, Great Umayyad Mosque, Damascus. (A)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Mihrab and minbar, Great Umayyad Mosque, Damascus. (Al Mashriq:.) The Great Mosque at Damascus, interior view: Mihrab niche and part of Minbar. 8th c AD. (F) Mosaics from the Great Mosque of Damascus; 8th c AD. Architecture and decorative band. (F) Mosaics from the Great Mosque of Damascus; detail of mosaics, river landscape. 8th c AD. (F) Mosaics from the Great Mosque of Damascus; 8th c AD. Architecture.(F) Mosaics from the Great Mosque of Damascus; 8th c AD. Buildings and tree. (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; exterior view; front view. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; exterior view; aerial view of Mount Moriah. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; interior view; The Double Ambulatory. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; cutaway plan. Mosaics on the interior. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; interior view; The Sacred Rock surrounded by a portico. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; interior view of decoration and inscription. (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; exterior view; close aerial view. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; interior view; Detail. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; ornamental detail. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; ornamental detail; Vase with acanthus scroll. 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; ornamental detail; Jar with floral motif, mosaic and glass, 7th c AD. (F) Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; ornamental detail; mosaic and glass floral motif. 7th c AD. (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem. 7th c AD. (F) Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem. Interior. 7th c AD. (F) Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, Mosaic detail. 7th c AD. (F) Plan of Mshatta, Syria c. 750 AD. (F) Mshatta Palace, Syria; detail of stone façade wall, Mshatta, probably 740s (Syrian) outer wall of palace. (F) ‘Anjar, Lebanon; plan. 8th c AD. (F) ‘Anjar, Lebanon; view of ruins. 8th c AD. (F) ‘Anjar, Lebanon; ruins. 8th c AD. (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet ‘Anjar, Lebanon; detail of columns. 8th c AD. (F) Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi. Exterior view. 8th c AD. (F) Gaia and Marine Centaur from Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi. 8th c AD. (F) Detail from Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi. 8th c AD. (F) Qusayr ‘Amra; exterior of the baths, ca (F) Qusayr ‘Amra; cupola of bath. 8th c AD. (F) Mural paintings from bath of Quasayr ‘Amra. 8th c AD. (F) Detail of stucco from Khirbat al-Mafjar, Jordan. 8th c AD. (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Mosaic pavement from the audience room of Khirbat al-Mafjar. Jericho. C. 740 AD. Al-Walid II? (F) Coin of Mu‘awiya. (Bernard Lewis, The Middle East (London: Phoenix, 1996), betw. pp ) Semissis of Heraclius, (Byzantine Coins Home Page:.) Persian Coin altered by Muslims. (Robert Hillenbrand, Islamic Art and Architecture (London: Thames and Hudson, 1999), p. 19.) Umayyad Coin, 8th c. AD. (F [with three figures]) Solidus of Heraclius, 641. (Byzantine Coins Home Page:.)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Umayyad Coin, 8th c. AD. (F [with caliph and armless cross]) Umayyad Coin, 8th c. AD. (F [with Arabic script]) King on a hunt; gilt silver, 19 cm diameter. Iran. 7-8th c AD. (F) Earthenware unglazed ewer with incised décor. Iraq: early 8th c. (F) Brass ewer cast and engraved: Fayyum, Egypt. Mid-8th c? 41cm. Museum of Islamic Arts, Cairo. (F) Two pieces of red woven silk (Caliph Marwan II): Syria: mid-7th c AD. (F) Woven hanging of wool and undyed linen. Egypt or Palestine (detail). 8th c AD. (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Woven tapestry of the “Victorious Emperor”. 8th c AD. Egypt. Wool and linen x 22.9cm. Victoria and Albert Museum, London. (F) Carpet (mystery object!): Cairo (?). 8th c AD. (F)