Welcome to Cell Biology Agenda: Magic Trick Notebook Setup Notes: Scientific Method Bubble Lab Homework: Bubble Lab Graph Word of the Day: Scientific method
Scientific Method Steps used to solve problems.
Recall: How to do science… Ask a question Do research Make a hypothesis Design an experiment, data table, variables Collect data Analyze your data Discuss your findings Write an analysis
Ask a Question This is also called the testable or research question: Our Question Today: How does the amount of glycerin affect the size of the dome bubble?
Do our research Bubble solution is soap, water and glycerin The glycerin makes the bubbles stronger so they last longer
Make a hypothesis If the amount of glycerin affects dome bubble size, then the solution with the most glycerin will make the ___________ bubbles.
Design your experiment Determine the variables: –Independent: the variable that is changed –Dependent: the variable that you are measuring –Controlled: the things that are kept the same Think of the materials you need
Design your experiment Each group will blow dome bubbles using varying amounts of glycerin.
Design experiment: Procedure 1. Make your bubble solution 2. Blow dome bubbles 3. Measure the width of your dome bubble 4. Repeat for 10 minutes 5. Record the 10 biggest dome bubbles for your table 6. Find the average bubble size for your group 7. Record data on board
Metric Measurement Do not use the “F” word
Make a data table Group #Amount of glycerin Average Bubble size (of 10 bubbles) 10 drops 25 drops 310 drops 420 drops 530 drops
Practice making dome bubbles When the bubble pops it will leave a white ring that you can measure with a ruler. Table
Homework--Graph the Average data for all groups (bar graph) Bubble Size (cm) Bubble concentration Title