POST WWI AMERICA WWI helped economy a great deal Demobilization- transition from wartime to peacetime production levels Economy faced serious recession Economic slump Did not last long
UNION MOVEMENT Seattle General Strike – 35,000 shipyard workers walked off the job. Boston Police Strike – 75% of the Boston Police force went on strike Strike backfired when police commissioner didn’t hire them back
UNION MOVEMENT Steel Strike – 365,000 Steel workers in Western PA Steel companies fought against it Coal Miners Strike – 400,000 men
STOP AND THINK What is a recession and why did it occur after WWI? List 3 different strikes that took place. What were Unions fighting for?
1920 Election Warren G. Harding-Republican Very Pro Business! Campaign slogan- “Return to Normalcy”
“THE OHIO GANG” Harding brought in his “good buddies” to be his cabinet Corruption ran rampant during his presidency Charles Forbes- made head of Veterans Bureau Stole millions from bureau Harding eventually dies of heart attack while in office.
Came out after Harding died…blemishes his presidency Albert Fall- Secretary of the Interior Leased government oil fields to two businessmen in exchange for a large sum of money Fall was the first cabinet member to ever see jail time
STOP AND THINK What was Warren G. Harding’s campaign slogan and what did it mean? What was the Ohio Gang? Why was this their nickname? Explain the Teapot Dome Scandal.
PLEASE DO NOW! CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK You can create a song/rap/poem that includes the words: “Warren G. Harding, recession, return to normalcy, Ohio Gang, Teapot Dome Scandal” (SONG/POEM MUST RYHME and MUST BE AT LEAST 10 LINES) **OR** Draw a picture that somehow references the following: “Warren G. Harding, Ohio Gang, Teapot Dome Scandal” (MUST INCLUDE ALL THREE ITEMS) Please Underline all references 10 points Due tomorrow!