Jessie Aldecoa, Caitlin Owsley, Ben Reed, Josiah Savino
Explore and learn the features of the FreeStyle Workbench Develop a simple tutorial to demonstrate key features of the workbench Apply knowledge gained to create features in the Kibbie Dome Redesign
Bugatti Veyron Hood Sketch Tracer FreeStyle Generative Shape Spaceball Model FreeStyle Generative Shape
Generated landscape to model the Palouse rolling hills using the FreeStyle Workbench
Make the Kibbie Dome the ultimate facility for UI sports, speakers, & concerts No limit of practicality, money, or time Incorporate the use of the Freestyle Workbench in the design
Incorporate additional seating as well as an opening roof for sunny days Dress up the landscape of the East end of the Kibbie Dome Use the Freestyle Workbench to create the landscape of the Palouse