Copyright © 2014 Juniper Networks, Inc. 1 Innovation Event A partnership of Juniper Networks and SJSU Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering Student Innovation Contest
Copyright © 2014 Juniper Networks, Inc. 2 Student Innovation Contest What: An innovation contest for CoE students to submit and present solutions to engineering problems posed by Juniper software and supply chain engineers When: Friday, November 14; 2:00-5:00pm Where: Juniper Networks Aspiration Dome in Sunnyvale, CA Who: All graduate and undergraduate students are eligible to participate in the contest. In addition, all CoE students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend the event to cheer on competing students and learn more about Juniper. Goal: Provide SJSU CoE students with the opportunity to partner directly with industry engineers to apply their skills and knowledge to solving real- world engineering problems.
Copyright © 2014 Juniper Networks, Inc. 3 Projects Overview Teams of 3-5 undergraduate and/or graduate students can register to complete one of the four projects listed below (note: students can compete on more than one team) o Spark streaming plugin for high frequency data from network devices o Troubleshooting IP CLOS fabrics for next generation data center clouds o Mapping reduce workload estimation on a switch o Process performance metric for supply chain Upon registration, teams will receive additional instructions to complete projects Teams will have access to faculty and Juniper engineers to answer questions and support them as they complete their projects Prizes will include Juniper internships, iPads and other items
Copyright © 2014 Juniper Networks, Inc. 4 Projects Overview #ProjectBrief DescriptionWhat You Need to Deliver What You Will LearnResources You Can Use 1Spark streaming plugin for high frequency data from Network devices Direct ingest of streaming data from network device to Spark Streaming which will be used by Spark Engine to produce batch data Create dashboards and insights Software that demonstrates data collection, dashboards and interesting insights Apache Spark Analytics UI technologies Junos analytics Hadoop Flume UI Technologies such as jquery, backbone.js 2Troubleshooting IP CLOS Fabrics for Next Generation Data Center Clouds Create L3 IP CLOS fabrics for Data centers using Juniper’s scripts -Get visibility into the fabric -Troubleshoot Cabling Issues -Troubleshoot connectivity at L3 Program that implements the functionality with/without a user interface Data Center Fabrics, CLOS L2, L3 technologies Python About CLOS Fabrics en/local/pdf/whitepapers/ en.pdf 3Map Reduce workload estimation on a switch Gather information about Map Reduce work load on a switch, communicate with Hadoop JobTracker using Hadoop RPC Program that implements the functionality with/without a user interface Network setup with Hadoop cluster Map Reduce/Hadoop Juniper Switching content/cloudera/en/traini ng/courses/udacity/mapre duce.html
Copyright © 2014 Juniper Networks, Inc. 5 Projects Overview #ProjectBrief DescriptionWhat You Need to Deliver What You Will LearnResources You Can Use 4Process Performance Metric Establish a metric to be used to baseline current process performance, establish targets for improvement, and drive continuous improvement to the metric. Establish a metric by which Juniper can baseline current process performance of test iterations. Juniper needs to be able to establish a methodology to manage both performances for an individual FRU and a method to measure the aggregate performance across FRUs. Establish a methodology for controlling the process over time and driving improvement to the metric. Six-Sigma, Lean, Process Improvement and Control Additional project details will be available in the project overview
Copyright © 2014 Juniper Networks, Inc. 6 Judging Overview Teams must electronically submit a PowerPoint presentation of their proposed solution by November 7 Teams will then present their projects at the November 14 event at Juniper Networks in Sunnyvale The panel of judges will be comprised of Juniper engineers and SJSU faculty Judging guidelines are based on the following company peer review criteria: Innovative: How innovative is the approach? How differentiated is it relative to others? Impact to customer: How impactful will the approach be to the customer experience? Readiness of delivery/demo: Is the end demonstration ready to be implemented? Overall Presentation: What is the overall quality of the idea and demonstration? Is the presentation of the approach good quality?
Copyright © 2014 Juniper Networks, Inc. 7 How to Sign Up 1. Register Submit the attached registration form by Monday, October 13 th to: 2. Review project package Shortly after registration, teams will receive a project “package” with additional information on the chosen project, specific guidelines, and support resources (including direct access to Juniper engineers and faculty to answer questions) 3. Submit proposed solutions Teams must submit a PowerPoint presentation of their proposed solutions by November 7 th to: community- for advance review by the judgescommunity- 4. Present project at Juniper Event Teams present their projects to judges on Friday, November 14 th at Juniper Networks Winners in each project category will be announced at the event The event will also include executive speakers, information on Juniper jobs/internships and opportunities to network with SJSU alumni from Juniper All College of Engineering students are welcome to attend the event to cheer on their peers
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