Warm Up What is the movement direction of the deep ocean current? 2.What is the main factor that’s responsible for this direction? 3.Explain upwelling 4.Why is upwelling important? Agenda -Turn in HW crossword/word search -Notes Chp 21-2 Coriolis effect -Lab Coriolis effect Homework Nov Test ocean unit Dec 4 - last day to turn in make up/late work
Chapter 21-2 Topics: Ocean effect on climate Coriolis effect
Ocean Currents and Climate Regulate climate by absorbing carbon (CO 2 gas from the atmosphere) Transfer heat from warmer to cooler areas on Earth. (and vice-versa)
Ocean Currents and Climate
What is causing the ocean current to have this rotation?
Coriolis Effect The change in the movement of ocean currents due to the Earth’s rotation. Causes clockwise rotation above the equator and counter clockwise rotation in the south
El Niño No winds = No surface circulation = No upwelling No upwelling = marine life is disrupted
The Gulf Stream A fast warm current that flows northeast.
Lab Coriolis Effect Read the directions on your lab paper The marker will act as the wind and the balloon is the Earth Equator North Pole South Pole
Create Coriolis Effect Lab Trace the circle from your hand out to a line paper to represent the Earth (1 per person) One person spin the circle paper (represent Earth’s rotation) One person use a ruler and slowly draw line down the ruler from the middle to the equator while the circle is spinning Flip the circle and do repeat for this “South Pole” side Work on the conclusion questions.
Quickwrite How does temperature affect density? How does salinity affect density? How does density affect ocean currents?