DO NOW QUESTION Yesterday we talked about the future of the universe. What do you think will happen to the universe?
1. What can the color of a star tell us? It’s temperature 2. In order from coolest to hottest, list the colors of stars: coolest Red Orange Yellow White Blue hottest
3. What is apparent magnitude? How bright a star appears to us here on Earth 4. What is absolute magnitude? How bright a star actually is 5. Which of the following stars would be seen as the brightest star? a. Alpheratz, with an apparent magnitude of 2. b. Deneb, with an apparent magnitude of 1. c. Rigel, with an apparent magnitude of 0. d. Sirius, with an apparent magnitude of -1.5
6. What unit of measurement do astronomers use to measure distance in space? Light year 7. What do astronomers use to determine the distance of stars from Earth? Parallax 8. The stars in our sky do not move, but why do they appear to move? They appear to move in a counter-clockwise circle because Earth rotates on its axis in a counter- clockwise direction.
9. What is the most common element in a star? Hydrogen 10. In the core of the Sun, four hydrogen nuclei come together to create one helium nucleus during the process known as nuclear fusion. 11. The H-R Diagram compares a star’s temperature and absolute magnitude (brightness).
12. Most of the stars on the H-R Diagram are classified as which type of star? Main sequence 13. E 14. B 15. F 16. C 17. D 18. A
Supernova A gigantic explosion of a high mass star, throwing its outer layers into space Protostar A newly formed star created in nebulas Neutron Star The remnants of a high mass star that has collapsed under gravity to the point at which all the star’s particles are neutrons Pulsar A spinning neutron star
Red Giant A large reddish star, late in a low mass star’s life Red Supergiant A very large reddish star, late in a high mass star’s life White Dwarf A small hot star that is the leftover center of an older low mass star Black Dwarf Remnants of a low mass star, when a white dwarf completely dies out
Nebula Large clouds of gas and dust where stars are formed Main Sequence The main stage of a star’s life cycle Black Hole The remnant of the most massive star that is so massive that light can’t escape its gravity
20. Stage 1 – Protostar Stage 2 – Main Sequence LOW MASS STAR HIGH MASS STAR Stage 3 – Red Giant Red Supergiant Stage 4 – White Dwarf Supernova Stage 5 – Black Dwarf Neutron Star (extremely dense core of star remnants) OR Black Hole (core with large gravitational pull)
21. Which life cycle path will the Sun take? LOW MASS STAR 23. Core 24. Corona 25. Photosphere 26. Chromosphere 27. Convective Zone 28. Radiative Zone
29. Prominence – Electrically charged loop connecting sunspots 30. Solar Flare – Electrically charged eruption from sunspot 31. Solar Wind – Stream of charged particles given off into space in all directions 32. Sunspot – Cool, dark spot on photosphere
33. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way Galaxy? Spiral 34. What powerful and “star-like” source of energy is associated with black holes? Quasars
35. Nebulas are where new stars are born. What 2 locations can nebulas be found? 1) 2) 36. What is the difference between globular clusters and open clusters? Globular Cluster – a tight group of stars that can have up to 1 million stars Open Cluster – closely grouped stars that have only a few hundred to a few thousand stars
37. IrregularEllipticalSpiral Amount of gas and dust A lotA littleA moderate amount Types of Stars A lot of star formations (NEW stars) OLD starsMedium- sized stars