London Streets...The Way Ahead Garrett Emmerson Chief Operating Officer: London Streets
Delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy
Defining measurable outcomes for London Streets
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Measuring Smoothing Traffic Flow Journey Time Reliability: The new draft MTS identifies the need for such a measure, and defines it as: ‘The Percentage of nominal 30 minute average length journeys completed within 5 minutes of this time’
Measuring Smoothing Traffic Flow Assuming an ‘allowable’ daily variation in journey time of up to 5 minutes (i.e. trips completed within 5 minutes of the mean journey time are assumed to be on time). ie: if the network (or an individual route) can be managed more reliably such that 9 out of 10 journeys are completed within this time, we can consider it to be 90% reliable. Average Journey Time and ‘Allowable’ Variation from the Mean
6 Key elements: Maximising the efficient and reliable of the operation of the road network Minimising the impact of planned interventions on the road network with the potential to disruption traffic flows Minimising disruption from unplanned events (accidents, emergencies etc) in ‘real time’ as they occur and returning the network quickly and efficiently to its planned steady state operation as soon as possible. Achieving modal shift away from car based traffic movements towards more sustainable modes to reduce traffic growth pressures on the network Where feasible, and where there is an overall congestion reduction and local economic benefit, developing the road network Maintaining road network assets in a good state of repair Managing the Road Network Chapter
Measuring Smoothing Traffic Flow Average Journey Time and ‘Allowable’ Variation from the Mean
Measuring Smoothing Traffic Flow TLRN and the MTS London-wide corridors
Measuring Smoothing Traffic Flow TLRN Journey Time Reliability Performance 2009/10 (7 – 10am peak Period) % Journey Time Reliability P1P2P3P4P5 Area Wide Reliability (two way average) London Wide (all roads) Central London Inbound Radial Corridors A2 Corridor A21 Corridor A23 Corridor A24 Corridor A3 Corridor A316 Corridor A4 Corridor A40 Corridor A41 Corridor A10 Corridor A12 Corridor A13 Corridor Orbital Corridor A406 Corridor (clockwise) A406 Corridor (anti-clockwise) A205 Corridor (clockwise) A205 Corridor (anti-clockwise)
Measuring Smoothing Traffic Flow TLRN Journey Time Reliability Performance 2009/10 (7 – 10am peak Period) % Journey Time Reliability P1P2P3P4P5 Area Wide Reliability (two way average) London Wide (all roads) Central London Inbound Radial Corridors A2 Corridor A21 Corridor A23 Corridor A24 Corridor A3 Corridor A316 Corridor A4 Corridor A40 Corridor A41 Corridor A10 Corridor A12 Corridor A13 Corridor Orbital Corridor A406 Corridor (clockwise) A406 Corridor (anti-clockwise) A205 Corridor (clockwise) A205 Corridor (anti-clockwise)
Measuring Smoothing Traffic Flow TLRN Journey Time Reliability Performance 2009/10 (7 – 10am peak Period) % Journey Time Reliability P1P2P3P4P5 Area Wide Reliability (two way average) London Wide (all roads) Central London Inbound Radial Corridors A2 Corridor A21 Corridor A23 Corridor A24 Corridor A3 Corridor A316 Corridor A4 Corridor A40 Corridor A41 Corridor A10 Corridor A12 Corridor A13 Corridor Orbital Corridor A406 Corridor (clockwise) A406 Corridor (anti-clockwise) A205 Corridor (clockwise) A205 Corridor (anti-clockwise)
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
Customer Focus Change in ethos from: A “technically based service” delivered within customer and/or community constraints
Customer Focus Change in ethos from: A “technically based service” delivered within customer and/or community constraints To: A “community or customer based” service delivered within technical, legal, professional and financial constraints
Customer led A “Customer led” Approach The “Community” as a Customer Individual Customer Contact Organisational Strategy Development & Delivery Legal, Financial and Technical Constraints Local and National Political Steers Customer Focussed Actions Stakeholder/ organisational customers
Customer led A “Customer led” Approach Market Research and Public Consultation Individual Customer Contact Organisational Strategy Development & Delivery Legal, Financial and Technical Constraints Local and National Political Steers Customer Focussed Actions Stakeholder/ organisational customers
Customer led A “Customer led” Approach Market Research and Public Consultation Individual Customer Contact Organisational Strategy Development & Delivery Legal, Financial and Technical Constraints Local and National Political Steers Customer Focussed Actions Strategic Partnerships
Customer led A “Customer led” Approach Market Research and Public Consultation Customer Services Feedback Organisational Strategy Development & Delivery Legal, Financial and Technical Constraints Local and National Political Steers Customer Focussed Actions Strategic Partnerships
Reliability and ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ Managing Demand Capacity and Resilience Safety State of Good Repair Better Streetscapes Environmental Outcomes Customer Outcomes Efficiency Key Outcomes for London Streets
29 Service Performance Analysis Technical Performance Customer Satisfaction X Congestion management X Winter maintenance X Road safety X Street lighting X Highway maintenance X Bridges X Traffic signals
30 Service Performance Analysis Spending Performance X Congestion management X Winter maintenance X Road safety X Street lighting X Highway maintenance X Bridges X Traffic signals
31 Service Performance Analysis Spending X Congestion management X Winter maintenance X Road safety X Street lighting X Highway maintenance X Bridges X Traffic signals WORRY ! Performance
32 Service Performance Analysis Spending X Congestion management X Winter maintenance X Road safety X Street lighting X Highway maintenance X Bridges X Traffic signals WORRY ! CELEBRATE Performance
33 Service Performance Analysis Spending X Congestion management X Winter maintenance X Road safety X Street lighting X Highway maintenance X Bridges X Traffic signals WORRY ! CELEBRATE! INVEST? Performance
34 Service Performance Analysis Spending X Congestion management X Winter maintenance X Road safety X Street lighting X Highway maintenance X Bridges X Traffic signals WORRY ! CELEBRATE! INVEST? SEEK EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS? Performance
In conclusion... Areas for development: - Putting in place the organisational structures to deliver this - Improving the performance management framework to integrate strategy with delivery) - Use this to maximise value for money in all we do through continuously benchmarking both performance and costs