Modern rugby warm-up CLICK Modern rugby fitness exercises CLICK More about modern rugby warm-up CLICK Dynamic warm-up routine CLICK Skills related warm-up drills CLICK Modern Rugby Fitness and Warm-up Back to Home Page Push (Esc) to EXIT the program. More about modern rugby fitness Modern rugby fitness
CLICK Push (Esc) to EXIT the program. “ The Stations Stamina Drill” Modern rugby fitness exercises CLICK “The Wars Stamina Drill” CLICK “The Gauntlet Stamina Drill” Modern Rugby Fitness Main fitness exercise Other skills related fitness exercises Back to “Rugby Fitness & Warm-up Index” CLICK “The Diagonal Stamina Drill” CLICK “The Contact Stamina Drill” CLICK “The Tackle Stamina Drill”
C “The Diagonal Stamina Drill” Advantage of the Drill One of the best stamina drills in which players combine running and handling skills in a high intensity drill. Description of the Drill 1) There is a player at each of the eight cones with two balls on opposite corners. 2) On the coach’s signal the players start passing the ball clockwise. 3) When a player catches the ball he immediately passes it to the next player and then runs to the opposite cone, where he receives the next pass, passes the ball and runs to the opposite cone. 4) The players continue for a period determined by the coach and they then do the drill anti-clockwise. Coaching Video Clip Modern Rugby Fitness Back to “Rugby Fitness & Warm-up Index”
Coaching Video Clips Modern Rugby Fitness “The Diagonal Stamina Drill” CLICK on video to STOP or RESTART Back to Home Page