The Study of the Oceans Oceanography
Main Parts to Oceanography: Chemical – Elements and Chemical Reactions Biological – Living Organisms Physical – Energy and Motions of Seawater Geological – Sediments and Topography
Activity: Globe Toss Data: Analysis:
How much of the earth’s surface makes up the oceans? Oceans cover 71 % of the Earth’s surface. 29% is land
World Ocean Could a ship attempting to travel through all oceans do so without being stopped? What about ice? The waters beneath the ice do connect the ocean basins. All oceans of the world are connected. There are no natural boundaries that entirely separate the 4 ocean basins. 1955 – The United Nations established the boundaries of the oceans and continents.
Why study the ocean? Last Frontier Countries divide oceans near their land Oil and food shortages Source of rain and snow for rivers Influence climate
Five Oceans of the World In order from Largest Smallest: Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Southern Ocean Arctic Ocean
Pacific Ocean Water Features: Land Features: 52% of the world’s ocean water Deepest and largest basin Land Features: Ring of Fire Mountains around basins (saucer-like depressions of the ocean floor) Least affected by continents Many islands, most formed by volcanoes Deepest Trench – Marianas (7 miles) Large mid-ocean ridge down the east side of the basin Ring of fire = edge of Pacific Ocean- lots of volcanoes (san andreas fault)
Marianas Trench Between Japan and Australia Challenger Deep = deepest part of world ocean
Atlantic Ocean Water Features: Land Features: Shallow basin, average 3,310 m deep 26% of world’s ocean water Broad continental margins Large rivers enter – Amazon and Congo (25% of world’s fresh water flows from these rivers) Land Features: Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs down the center Part of the longest continuous mountain range in world- the Mid-Ocean Ridge
Indian Ocean Water Features: Land Feature: 20% of world’s ocean water Mostly in southern hemisphere 2 sources of warm salt water – Red Sea and Arabian Sea Currents change direction twice a year due to Monsoon winds Land Feature: Y - shaped ridge, called the Mid-Indian Ridge
Southern Ocean Water Features: Land Features: Noted for ferocious weather and high waves Located between 60oS and the continent of Antarctica Antarctic Circumpolar Current flows clockwise around Antarctica and isolates surface waters Land Features: Deepest point located in South Sandwich Trench No well defined basin
Arctic Ocean Water Features: Land Features: 2% of world’s ocean water Circular in shape Mostly surrounded by land Most shallow Covered by ice most of the year Land Features: 2 main basins