Airway Trauma Speech-Language Pathologist Michelle Mekky, MA, CCC-SLP, BRS-S Speech-Language Pathologist Memorial Hermann Hospital & Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital
Purpose Educate the SLP on the medical diagnosis, medical treatment, and ultimate rehabilitation of voice and swallowing following airway/laryngeal trauma.
Nelson Review Article Why this article Lack of clinical research on this patient population in the SLP literature
Laryngeal Anatomy
Anatomy continued
Mechanism of Injury Blunt Trauma-fractures/dislocation Penetrating Trauma Intubation Trauma Thermal and Chemical Trauma
Blunt Trauma Larynx is relatively well-protected Lateral shielding by sternocleidomastoid muscle Posterior protection from cervical vertebrae Anterior protection by mandible
Examples of Blunt Trauma
Ex. of Blunt Trauma (cont)
Internal Trauma
Fractures and Dislocations Midline or paramedian are most common Comminution & complex fractures do occur Surgical Management: ORIF &/or tracheostomy Use of stents
Laryngeotracheal Separation Severe airway compromise Many die at the scene of the accident, unless mucosal attachment remains Tracheostomy performed ASAP Intubation in the field may do more harm than good Bilateral recurrent nerve injury and subglottic stenosis are common complications Ultimate surgical intervention is sometimes a total laryngectomy
Penetrating Trauma Car accidents Knifes Bullets (handgun versus shotgun) Other accidents: falling on sticks or glass Blast injuries
Vascular Injuries Occur in 25-56% of penetrating neck wounds Most commonly to the carotid and subclavian arteries-most common cause of death 20-30% of penetrating neck wounds result in laryngeal, tracheal, or esophageal injuries
Intubation Trauma Prolonged intubation leads to trauma in 4-13% of cases Larger endotracheal tubes cause more trauma History of smoking or ETOH consumption can be very drying to the mucosa GERD/LPRD
Intubation trauma caused by: Abnormal anatomy (~10% of the population) Difficult laryngescopy Multiple intubations/extubations Skill of person placing (resident vs. attending) Emergent versus Elective
When trachs are placed In most hospitals tracheostomies are performed after 10-14 days of endotracheal intubation If multiple trips to the OR are required Policies vary greatly between the different ICUs
Reaction to Intubation Within 48 hours of intubation granulation tissue begins to form Mucosal ulceration is usually present
Immediate Laryngeal Complications Glottic or subglottic edema Mucosal laceration Dislocation of the arytenoids Avulsion of the epiglottis Vocal cord paralysis
When to refer to ENT post intubation/extubation Hoarse voice greater than 48 hours Sore throat greater than 48 hours Dysphagia Odynophagia Stridor
Management of Arytenoid Dislocation Needs to occur by ENT with 24-48 hours of identification Can sometimes be treated by direct endoscopy
Treatment of Avulsion of the Epiglottis Open repair Laser excision
True VC Paralysis May occur as result of intubation &/or extubation Brandwein et al. discovered that the anterior branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is vulnerable to compression between the inflated cuff of the ETT, the lateral projection of the abducted arytenoids, and the thyroid cartilage. Cord is usually lying in the paramedian position
Late injuries of Intubation Intubation granuloma Cricoarytenoid ankylosis (fibrosis) Glottic webs Subglottic stenosis
Avoiding Late Injuries of Intubation Limiting amount of time the pt is intubated Using the smallest ETT which will permit adequate respiratory support Using low-pressure cuffs Careful fixation of the tube to limit movement during assisted ventilation Use of steroids and antibiotics Early recognition/tx of such laryngeal injuries
Intubation Granuloma Forms when blood supply is poor Area is exposed to potential contamination Steroids is a medical tx Antibiotics to promote healing of the mucosa Late presentations: voice changes, globus, repetitive medical course of tx Sometimes permanent
Glottic Web Can result from simultaneous denudation of both VFs near the anterior commissure When they heal together they produce a web Probably occurs more often as a complication or surgery rather than from intubation
Picture of Glottic Web
Medical tx of Glottic Webs Surgical placement of anterior tantalum keel Endoscopic management with a laser or mechanical lysis-followed by placement of an internal Teflon keel
Subglottic Stenosis Definition: narrowing of the subglottic space above the inferior margin of the cricoid cartilage and below the level of the glottis Can be anterior, posterior, or complete
Subglottic Stenosis (cont) Grade I - Obstruction of 0-50% of the lumen obstruction Grade II - Obstruction of 51-70% of the lumen Grade III - Obstruction of 71-99% of the lumen Grade IV - Obstruction of 100% of the lumen (ie, no detectable lumen)
Picture of Subglottic Stenosis
Tx of Subglottic Stenosis Tracheostomy Open reduction Cricotracheal resection Medical management of GERD/LPRD if in the patient’s known history Steroids/Antibiotics Grafting
Consequences of Self-Extubation Edema Possible vocal cord damage Cartilage dislocation
Thermal and Chemical Trauma Inhalation of hot gases (caustic or not) cause trauma Stabilize the airway Sudden edema is of primary concern
Long term Injuries Loss of mucosal integrity Infection Chondritis (inflammation of cartilage) Fibrosis
What the MD looks for: Cough Carbon particles Blood in the sputum Voice change Stridor Dyspnea (shortness of breath)
Course of Treatment At least admitted for observation Difficult to determine if tracheostomy is indicated
Medical Management of the Airway Oral intubation after spine is clear Rarely a cricothyroidotomy is performed for an emergent airway when a trach cannot be completed Must be revised to a tracheostomy ASAP (within a few hours)
Role of the SLP Aphonia/Hoarseness Aspiration/Penetration Avulsed/Amputated Epiglottis Edema Unilateral VC paresis/paralysis Bilateral VC paralysis Hearing Loss
Aphonia/Hoarseness Get dx from ENT Medical management is the best course of tx for bringing back voicing Facilitate communication with a communication board and/or written communication systems
Aspiration/Penetration Determine if postural changes are helpful during MBS/FEES MUST take into account fatigue on ability to perform maneuvers (respiration and structural) May try: supraglottic swallow, super-supraglottic swallow, head down, or head rotation. Diet Modification is usually necessary with or without enteral access
Avulsed/Amputated Epiglottis May lead to initial odynophagia with all oral intake Chin down or super-supraglottic swallow may be a helpful to try during MBS/FEES
Edema Vocal rest Medical Management Steroids Anti-inflammatories
Unilateral VC Paresis/Paralysis Many patients with unilateral paresis recover in the first 7-10 days post trauma Those with paralysis usually overcompensate with the good cord in 1-3 weeks Temporary tx’s by ENT: fat injection Permanent tx’s by ENT: medialization laryngoplasty or thyroplasty
Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis Causes Paralysis (neurological) Fixation of the cricoarytenoid joints Both
Tx of Bilateral VC Paralysis Usually trached and NOT a candidate for a speaking valve Written communication/Communication board/electrolarynx during acute hospital stay If permanent with no recovery to either cord then: Speech generating device with or without electrolarynx
Hearing Loss Reported cases of acoustic trauma SN HL following blunt neck trauma Segal et. al suggests it could be due to sheer forces acting on the cervical spine that transition to the inner cranium Other theories suggest a neuromuscular mechanism, a neuro-vascular mechanism, or a mechanical vascular obstruction Tinnitus/Balance difficulties
Hearing Loss (cont) Audiological/ENT referral is appropriate Referral to physical therapy may be indicated Speech tx for aural rehabilitation
Thoughts for the Future Research in voice recovery s/p airway trauma Research in swallowing function s/p airway trauma