Dr. Walid Daoud, MD, FCCP Assistant Professor Medical Terminology Dr. Walid Daoud, MD, FCCP Assistant Professor
Introduction Medical Terminology is the study of words that relate to body systems, anatomical structures, medical processes and procedures, and a variety of diseases that afflict human organism.
Word Root (WR) It is the basic stem word, usually derived from Greek or Latin language. WR is the building blocks for many Prefixes, Suffixes, Anatomical Words, Medical procedures. Word Root (WR) Greek Word cardi oste nephr gastr erythr Kardia (heart) osteon (bone) nephros (kidney) gastros (stomach) erythros (red)
Combining Form (CF) It is a WR to which a final vowel (usually “O”) is added (CF = WR / O). Meaning CF WR heart cell bone kidney stomach red cardi / o cyt / o oste / o nephr / o gastr / o erythr / o cardi cyt oste nephr gastr erythr
Building Compound Words The vowel performs a connecting function. If second WR begins with a consonant: leuk / o cyt / o = white erythr / o cyt / o = red If the second WR begins with a vowel, the “O” is sometimes retained: gastr / o / enter / o = stomach and intestine In others, a combining vowel is not added: hem / angio = blood vessel
Suffixes A suffix is a word element placed at the end of a word or stem to form a new word. Suffixes beginning with vowels: WR + Suffix = Medical Word gastr + itis (inflammation) = gastritis gastr + algia (pain) = gastralgia gastr + ectomy (excision) = gastrectomy
Suffixes Combining Form + Suffix = Medical Word WR + O Suffixes beginning with consonants: Combining Form + Suffix = Medical Word WR + O col + O + tomy (incision) = colotomy col + O + scopy (examination) = coloscopy col + O + rrhaphy (suture) = colorrhaphy
Summary of Rules Build medical words by the following rules: RULE 1. Add suffixes that begin with an initial vowel directly to the word root. RULE 2. Add a connecting vowel “O” to the word root when the suffix begins with a consonant.
Surgical Procedure Suffixes Example Meaning Suffix append/ectomy appendix arthr/o/centesis joint col/o/stomy colon phleb/o/tomy vein excision puncture mouth, forming an opening incision to cut into -ectomy -o/centesis -o/stomy -o/tomy
Surgical Procedures Suffixes Example Meaning Suffix arthr/o/desis joint neur/o/rrhaphy gastr/o/pexy stomach rhin/o/plasty nose binding, stabilization suture fixation, suspension formation, plastic repair -desis -o/rrhaphy -o/pexy -o/plasty
Surgical Procedure Suffixes Example Meaning Suffix oste/o/clasis bone enter/o/lysis small intestine lith/o/tripsy stone to break down, refracture loosen, free from adhesions, destruction to crush -o/clasis -o/lysis -o/tripsy
Diagnostic and Symptomatic Suffixes Example Meaning Suffix cephal/algia head cephal/o/dynia hepato/cele liver bronchi/ectasis bronchus carcin/o/gen cancer pain hernia, swelling dilatation beginning, origin -algia -o/dynia -o/cele -ectasis -o/gen
Diagnostic and Symptomatic Suffixes Example Meaning Suffix chole/lith/iasis gall stone gastr/itis stomach bio/logy life oste/o/malacia bone hepat/o/megaly liver condition, formation of Inflammation study of softening enlargement -iasis -itis -o/logy -o/malacia -o/megaly
Diagnostic and Symptomatic Suffixes Example Meaning Suffix lip/oid lipid aden/oma gland dermat/osis skin nephr/o/pathy kidney leuk/o/penia white (cell) resemble tumor abnormal condition disease decrease, deficiency -oid -oma -osis -o/pathy -o/penia
Diagnostic and Symptomatic Suffixes Example Meaning Suffix dys/phagia difficult a/phasia without hemi/plegia half acro/phobia extremities hyster/o/ptosis uterus eating speech paralysis fear prolapse, falling -phagia -phasia -plegia -phobia -o/ptosis
Diagnostic and Symptomatic Suffixes Example Meaning Suffix hem/o/rrhage blood men/o/rrhea menses angi/o/rrhexis blood vessel arteri/o/sclerosis artery ot/o/scopy ear hemorrhage discharge, flow rupture hardening examination -o/rrhage -o/rrhea -o/rrhexis -o/sclerosis -o/scopy
General Review-Suffixes For building a medical term The CF is used when a suffix begins with a consonant: gastr/o/pexy leuk/o/cyte nephr/o/pexy oste/o/cyte The WR is directly joined to the suffix when the suffix begins with a vowel: gastr/algia dermat/osis nephr/oma mast/ectomy
Suffixes: Adjective Endings Example Adjective Ending cardi/ac (heart) neur/al (nerve) saliv/ary (saliva) hypo/derm/ic (under skin) med/ical (medicine) sub/cutane/ous (under skin) paraly/tic (paralysis) -ac -al -ary -ic -ical -ous -tic
Suffixes: Noun Endings Example Meaning Noun Ending Hemo/o/phil/iac (Blood love) Pneumon/ia Cut/is (skin) Alcohol/ism Uro/log/ist Myo/path/y (muscle disease) Indicates person afflicted with disease Forms noun from root Abnormal condition One who specializes Condition or process -iac -ia -is -ism -ist -y
Suffixes: Diminutive Endings Example Meaning Diminutive Ending arteri/ole artery part/icle piece pust/ule pimple minute small little -ole -icle -ule
Plural Endings Plural Singular Plural Form pleurae thoraces lumina appendices diagnoses ganglia bacteria digiti deformities carcinomata pleura thorax lumen appendix diagnosis ganglion bacterium digitus deformity carcinoma ae aces ina ices ses a i ies mata ax en ix sis on um us y ma
Prefixes - Prefixes are derived from Greek or Latin language and used to build a medical vocabulary. - Prefixes are always located at the beginning of a word. - A prefix is always used in conjunction of combining form or a combining form and a suffix.
Prefixes of Position Example Meaning Prefix ambi/lateral side amphi/crania skull ante/febrile fever pre/operative operation pro/otic ear both, both sides on both sides before, in front of ambi- amphi- ante- pre- pro-
Prefixes of Position Example Meaning Prefix dextr/o/cardia heart sinistr/o/cardia dors/algia pain epi/gastrium stomach inter/costal ribs to the right of to the left of back upon between dextr/o- sinistr/o- dors/o- epi- inter-
Prefixes of Position Example Meaning Prefix hypo/dermic skin mes/o/sternum chest plate retro/cervical neck postero/lateral to the side under, below, beneath in the middle after, backward located behind hypo- infra- or Sub- mes/o- medi- retr/o- postero-
Prefixes of color Example Meaning Prefix albumin/oid resemble chlor/emia blood glauc/oma Polio/myel/itis cirrh/osis abnormal condition white green gray yellow alb- albumin/o- leuk/o- chlor/o- glauc/o- polio- cirrh/o- xanth/o-
Prefixes of Color Example Meaning Prefix cyan/o/derma skin melan/oma tumor erythr/o/cyte cell purpur/ic pertaining to blue black red purple cyan/o- melan/o- erythr/o- rube/o- purpur/o-
Prefixes of Number and Measurement Example Meaning Prefix primi/para to bear offspring mono/nucleus kernel bi/lateral side di/plegia paralysis hemi/plegia paralysis first one two half primi- uni- mono- bi- di- hemi-
Prefixes of Number and Measurement Example Meaning Prefix hyper/tension hypo/tension strain multi/para to bear offspring tri/cephalus quadri/plegia paralysis macro/cephaly micro/gastria over, excessive under, below many three four large small hyper- hypo- multi- poly- tri- quadri- macro- micro-
Prefixes of Negation Example Meaning Prefix a/phasia speech an/encephaly head ar/rhythmia rhythm im/mature in/complete without, not, lack of not a- (used before a consonant) an- (used before a vowel) ar- im- in-
Prefixes of Direction Example Meaning Prefix ab/normal regular, usual ad/sternal circum/renal peri/renal ec/topia place dia/rrhea flow trans/thorax from, away from to, toward, near around out from through, across ab- ad- circum- peri- ec- ex- dia- per- trans-
Prefix of Direction Example Meaning Prefix ecto/derm exo/phthalmia extra/bronchial endo/cranial intra/muscular para/colon super/lactation supra/pubic ultra/sonic outside in, within near, beside, beyond above beyond, excess ecto- exo- extra- endo- intra- par- para- super- supra- ultra-
Miscellaneous Prefixes Example Meaning Prefix anti/bacterial contra/indicated brady/cardia tachy/cardia dys/pepsia digestion eu/pnea hetero/cellular homo/sexual against slow rapid bad, difficult good, easy different same anti- contra- brady- tachy- dys- eu- hetero- homo-
Miscellaneous Prefixes Example Meaning Prefix hidr/osis hydro/phobia mal/nutrition meta/carpal pan/hyster/ectomy pseudo/mening/itis scler/osis sym/podia syn/chilia sweat water ill, bad, poor after, beyond all false hard union hidr/o- hydr/o- mal- meta- pan- pseudo- scler/o- sym- syn-