Biocompatibility Many implants employ biomaterials that aren’t found in high concentrations in the body and are in turn incompatible with the site These materials include metals such as titanium and steel Carbon however is naturally occurring in the body and is not treated as a foreign intrusion, increasing biocompatibility Cost Efficiency Current devices range from $55,000 to $75,000 High prices are a direct result of biomaterials used Cost/ton of Ti is $17,000, Zn is $2200, Cu is $5250 CNT source, carbon steel, has a cost/ton of $550 Lower price of CNTs decreases cost of device Device Size Current devices like e-dura include an implanted neuroprosthetic as well as external electrodes and wires connected to a digital machine This further hinders patient mobility as transportation of external devices is difficult CNTs have a small structure as well as enough internal electrical stimulation This eliminates the need for large external devices and solves transportation issues Azante Griffith & Malik SnowdenUniversity of Pittsburgh Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in parts of the body cause by the synaptic block in the neuron signaling pathway that inflicts 1 in every 50 people Spinal Cord injury is a leading cause of these synaptic blocks which in turn makes it a leading cause of paralysis This obstructs the flow of neurally transmitted signals from the brain to the intended muscles | What is Paralysis? | | Neurodevices | | Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) | There is currently no prevalent commercial method of restoring muscle movement Engineers have started to develop neural implants (neurodevices) that stimulate nerves through chemical and electrical signaling pathways A recent device called e-dura reconnects spinal break in a paralyzed rodent Through the use of stimulating biomaterials, e-dura successfully allows rodents to regain control of paralyzed limbs without damaging surrounding the thick, protecting spinal membrane (dura mater) Allotrope of carbon with a cylindrical structure of single, double, or multiple walls of graphene layers in one of three helical patterns (zig-zag, armchair, chiral) CNTs have diameters range from 0.4nm-3.0nm and are metallic, semiconducting, and highly dense To overcome a block/break in the spinal cord, CNTs interact with neurons on one side of the synaptic gap Compounding interactions electrically stimulate neurons over the gap to reestablish the flow of signals between the brain and intended muscles Neural Stimulation The rodent study’s e-dura device cannot operate properly without internal and external stimulation CNTs’ unique symmetry and graphene structure increase number of neural interactions twofold This increase in stimulation provides more power than current stimulant components of titanium, zinc, and copper Sustainibility As brain fights against neural tissue intrusion of neurodevices, amount of electrical signals transmitted decreases This strays neurodevices towards failure after prolonged periods of time CNTs’ carbon fibers and flexible structure allow for high durability This eliminates possibility of multiple invasive surgeries and allows devices to function longer Current Issues & Solutions