Neurological Diseases/Injuries/Disorders What can you do to protect your nervous system?
Epilepsy Most common neurological disorder in US Seizure disorder(must have _____ or more)— _____________________________________ _____________________________________ – Grand Mal—______________________________ – Petite Mal—______________________________ Can be caused by injuries, illness, abnormal brain wiring, imbalance of chemicals
Meningitis Affects the meninges and cerebrospinal fluid (_____________________________ ____________________________) Caused by either _______________ or ____________—which is worse?? Can lead to brain damage, hearing loss, learning disability Accompanied by high fever, headache, stiff neck; also possibly nausea, vomiting, difficulty seeing in bright light, confusion, lethargy The worst cases can cause death
Strokeaka________ Attack Caused by heart problems, high BP, build up of plaque in arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the brain – Specific _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ May experience numbness in face, arm, and/or leg usually focused on one side; sudden confusion, trouble talking or seeing, loss of balance, severe headache; paralysis which can be permanent; death Treat with blood thinners and clot dissolving meds _____ _____ ____ _____???
Alzheimer’s Most common form of _____________________ Changes in brain tissue; loss of nerve cells, chemical levels, not fully understood; age and family history Causes forget- fullness and ____________ loss No cure but meds to slow progression; keep brain active Usually occurs ___+
Brain Tumor Benign?--_______________________________________________ Malignant?--____________________________________________ – Which is worse? --__________________________________________ – Can they both be bad??--_____________________________________ Primary—start within the brain Metastatic—start elsewhere in the body and spread to the brain Cancer comes from changes that occur in genetic material, previous radiation exposure, exposure to chemicals, family history May cause headaches, seizures, speech problems, impaired vision, weakness in parts of the body, problems with understanding, thinking, and memory Treated by ______________________________________________ Benign is more common in women
Poliomyelitis No longer common in the US—epidemic in the ___________________ Caused by a _____________ spread through human waste— contaminated food and water Causes fever, tiredness, vomiting, neck stiffness, leg and arm pain, and sometimes paralysis Prevented with vaccine, no cure, treat symptoms FDR
Parkinson’s Usually an elderly disease Unknown cause—thought to have something to do with the chemical dopamine and acetylcholine in the brain Symptoms-- ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Surgery may help symptoms, meds to balance the chemicals within the brain, no cure Who? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Multiple Sclerosis Affects the ________________that covers nerve cells ___________________—comes and goes ___________________—keeps getting worse Unknown cause of the myelin being scarred (_________________), but does not allow the nerves to communicate effectively Can cause _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________; most severe cases cause muscle spasms, bowel and bladder problems, slurred speech, sexual problems, paralysis, confusion, memory loss No cure but meds help control (steroids and adapting lifestyle) affected in US; affects women more than men; usually between the ages of ___________ and ____________
Paralysis Caused by injury to _____________________; injury or illness in nerves; stroke; polio Causes loss of muscle function in part of the body – Hemiplegia--_______________ – Paraplegia--________________ – Quadraplegia--_____________ Treatments include stem cells, retraining body, and physical therapy—often irreversible
What can you do to protect yourself? ?