SPINA BIFIDA Spina bifida, which literally means “cleft spine,” is characterized by the incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord, and/or meninges (the protective covering around the brain and spinal cord). It is the most common neural tube defect in the United States—affecting 1,500 to 2,000 of the more than 4 million babies born in the country each year. It also means "split or open spine." WHAT IS SPINA BIFIDA ?
Having a bathroom that is easy to access Having a nurse to help assist the child who have urinary and bow dysfunctions Proper technology Special furniture Special lesson plans Having the desk arranged so that a wheelchair can fit around it PART OF BODY THAT IT EFFECTS : Spina bifida affects the backbone and, sometimes, the spinal cord. ACOMIDATIONS FOR CLASSROOM
Technology Physical and neurological problems. This may include lack of normal bowel and bladder control and partial or complete paralysis of the legs. Children and adults with this form of spina bifida might need crutches, braces or wheelchairs to help them get around, depending on the size of the opening in the spine and the care received after birth. WEBSITES FOR CLASSROOMS:
CAUSES OF SPINA BIFIDA The exact cause is a mystery. Scientists suspect genetic, nutritional, and environmental factors play a role. Research shows an insufficient intake of folic acid is a key factor.
TYPES OF SPINA BIFIDA (WITH CHARACTERISITCS) Occulta Mildest and most common form of spina bifida. The opening in the spine is covered by a layer of skin Rarely causes disability or symptoms. Closed neural tube defects The spinal cord is marked by a malformation of fat, bone, or membranes. Some patients have few or no symptoms. Others causes incomplete paralysis with urinary and bowel
TYPES OF SPINA BIFIDA (WITH CHARACTERISITCS) continued Meningocele -The meninges protrude from the spinal opening and the malformation may or may not be covered by a layer of skin. - Patients may have few or no symptoms while others may experience symptoms similar to closed neural tube defects. Myelomeningocele The most severe form of spina bifida. - The spinal cord is exposed through the opening in the spine. - Partial or complete paralysis - Paralysis may be so severe that the individual is unable to walk or have urinary or bowel dysfunction. - Some newborns may develop meningitis
ADAPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Wheelchairs Walkers Crutches Leg braces Tape recorders Voice activated software Talking calculators Touch screen for computers
SECONDARY CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH SPINA BIFIDA Latex allergy Obesity Skin breakdown Learning disabilities Attaining and retaining mobility Depression Social and sexual issues