Narcolepsy By: Yesenia Cervantes
Definition Narcolepsy: the experience of irresistible attacks of sleep that can take place at any time and any place, and usually last between 10 to 20 minutes.
Associated Features Excessive day time sleepiness Cataplexy- loss of muscle strength Hypnogogic Hallucination- often frightening dream like experience that incorporate his or her real environment.
Sleep paralysis- temporary inability to move during sleep transitions. Leg jerks, nightmares, and restlessness
DSM-IV-TR The diagnostic criteria for Narcolepsy (347.00) The diagnostic criteria for Narcolepsy (347.00) A. Overpowering daily attacks of sleep for 3 months or more. B. One or Both of the following: -Cataplexy (-loss of muscle strength) -Repeated REM intrusions – hallucinations and/or paralysis C. Not caused by a substance or general medical condition
Etiology Narcolepsy is a neurological sleep disorder. It not cause by mental illness or psychological problems. Is thought to be the result of a number of genetic abnormalities that affect specific biological factors in the brain. Triggered by environmental factors, such as a virus.
Prevalence Affects males and females equally. Under-recognized and Under-diagnosed condition Narcolepsy with cataplexy (muscle weakness): 1 in 3000 Americans Narcolepsy without cataplexy: Believed to be higher, but exact figures are unknown.
Treatments Drug Therapy: Drugs to alert central nervous system Antidepressants Behavioral Therapy: Planned naps Improving quality of nighttime sleep Taking safety precautions (especially with driving) Support Groups
Prognosis Currently, narcolepsy is incurable, but can be managed with treatment. Causes problems with memory and attention. Can lead to depression, anxiety, and sexual problems.
Prognosis Narcolepsy tends to run in families The symptoms are most frequent during the ages of 15 to 30. People with narcolepsy cannot get a drivers license in many states. Or, must be symptom free for an extended period of time.
Discussion Question DO you think that a person with narcolepsy can live a quality life?
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Refernces Jasmin, L. (2012). Narcolepsy. Retrieved 2012, from U.S. National Library of Medicine database. Mayers.G.(2011).Myers’psychologyfor ap.NewYork:NY.Worth publishers. Halgin,R.P.&Whit boums,S.K.(2005).(Abnormal psychology: clinical perspective on psychological disorders. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.