The Nervous System By Will Carlson
❏ Fibers Start at the Brain ❏ Muscles are controlled by neurons ❏ Signals are sent through fibers called axons ❏ Senses, such as sound and touch, send signals to the brain which are processed. ❏ This is how you perceive things. Function
❏ Axons are support by glial cells ❏ Glial cells insulate the axons so that information is relayed to the brain faster ❏ The branch of medicine that studies the nervous system is neurology ❏ Autonomic nervous system is involuntary nerves, such as heart and digestion. Facts
❏ Stroke- Brain cells don’t get enough oxygen and begin to die, which may cause partial paralysis ❏ Epilepsy- Seizures that happen randomly, but can be triggered by certain things. It can arise from brain damage ❏ ALS- You slowly lose control of your voluntary muscles. Also known as Lou Gehrig's disease ❏ Alzheimer’s- Your memories start to deteriorate and you forget more and more things. Diseases