1932 and President Roosevelt "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1932 after accepting the Democratic nominations
What was it? Franklin D. Roosevelt had a secret that he kept from the public at large for much of his presidency.
FDR & Polio Contracted while vacationing in Canada in 1921 August 10 th – Tired with chills and abdominal pains. August 11 th – AM: Leg weak PM: Leg completely paralyzed. Other leg weak August 12 th – Both legs paralyzed with no sensitivity. Paralysis spread upwards preventing urination for several days to come. August 13 th – Paralyzed from the chest down. August 25 th – Entire body paralyzed. Paralysis in parts of his face. A slow recovery would begin in mid-September
FDR & Polio Paralytic polio occurs in.1% to 2% of polio cases. Virus enters the body, leaves the intestinal tracts, enters and spreads through your blood stream.
The 1932 Presidential Election President Herbert Hoover (R)Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
1928 v Why the change? Americans were tired of Republican leadership after a decade of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover.
“I'm just afraid that I may not have the strength to do this job. After you leave me tonight, Jimmy, I am going to pray. I am going to pray that God will help me, that he will give me the strength and the guidance to do this job and to do it right. I hope that you will pray for me, too, Jimmy.” FDR talking to his son, James, following his victory over President Hoover