Neck Pain, Myelopathy and Radiculopathy Clinical Assessment and Management Mr. David Bell London Neurosurgery Partnership
Introduction Consultant neurosurgeon Subspecialty - complex spine surgery NHS base at Kings College Hospital Part of London Neurosurgery Partnership 11 consultant group treating all disorders of the brain and spinal cord
Aims To discuss common clinical scenarios To explain common diagnoses and treatment To identify how to investigate and who to refer
Definitions Mechanical neck pain -Pain felt within the neck and shoulders/trapezius exacerbated by movement Radiculopathy – Clinical syndrome of arm pain, weakness or numbness caused by nerve root irritation Myelopathy – clinical syndrome of loss of dexterity and gait disturbance due to spinal cord compression
Red Flags Fever Weight loss History of cancer Progressive neurological deficit Nocturnal pain Severe pain requiring opiates
Investigation of Neck Pain No need for imaging or blood tests initially No role for plain x-rays If red flags then needs cross-sectional imaging Usually MRI or CT
Incidence of MRI Abnormalities 30 asymptomatic subjects – 22 (73%) bulging discs – 15 (50%) focal disc protrusions – 1 extrusion – 4 (13%) cord compression 100 asymptomatic subjects – y o: disc protrusions in 20% – 64+ y o: 57% – Cord compression 7%
Management of Neck pain Reassurance NSAIDS Add opiates as required Physiotherapy Acupuncture/Dry needling
Surgery for Neck Pain Unusual for degenerative neck pain Instability due to tumour/infection/trauma responds well to surgery Occasional fusion for degenerative disease
Cervical Radiculopathy Less common than simple neck pain Neuralgic pain radiating down arm Sensory disturbance in distribution of affected nerve Rarely motor deficits Usually accompanied by neck pain
Foraminal Narrowing Progressive narrowing of exit foramina occurs with normal ageing Typically asymptomatic
Localisation RootC5C6C7C8T1 Sensory LossUpper arm ThumbMiddle finger Little finger Inner arm Motor lossShoulder abduction Elbow flexion Elbow/ wrist extension Long finger flexors Lumbrical PainShoulderForearm Upper arm/chest ReflexBicepsBiceps/ supinator TricepsNone
Differential Diagnosis Shoulder/Elbow pathology If sensory disturbance it has to be neural Thoracic outlet syndrome Brachial neuritis Entrapment neuropathy – median/ulnar
Investigation MRI cervical spine Nerve conduction studies Brachial plexus imaging
Cervical Root compression
Natural History Spontaneous resolution within 6-12 weeks occurs in 90% of attacks Investigate urgently/refer those with severe pain or progressive motor deficits
Treatment of Radiculopathy Physical therapies Acupuncture Analgesics Ibuprofen/codeine Opiates Pregabalin/Gabapentin/Amitriptyline
Escalation Injections Surgery
Cervical Nerve root injections ?risk of paraplegia Interscalene block Temporary Local anaesthetic/ steroid
Surgery for Radiculopathy Anterior cervical discectomy Cervical disc replacement Posterior foraminotomy
Discectomy/Replacement Bloodless plane to spine Removal of compression without manipulation of spinal cord Preservation of normal motion/reduce adjacent segment disease 90% relief from arm pain
Cervical Total Disc Replacement Preserve motion Reduce stresses on adjacent disc Prevent adjacent segment disease Popular Lack of evidence of efficacy at current time Expensive
Risks 1 in 1000 risk of paralysis 1% risk of vocal cord paresis Transient hoarseness/dysphagia common
Posterior Foraminotomy Posterior approach Microscopic No risk to oesophagus/trachea Some neck pain 90% effective
Cervical Myelopathy Clinical syndrome of spinal cord irritation/compression Insidious loss of fine finger movement Gait ataxia Urinary hesitancy
Myelopathy Increased tone Spastic reflexes Rombergs positive Unable to heel-toe walk L’Hemitte’s phenomenon
Myelopathy - Causes Most commonly degenerative Disc-osteophyte bars OPLL Tumour
Natural History Limited data Some non –progressive Most slowly progressive Occasional rapidly progressive
Myelopathy Treatment Observational Supportive - OT/physio Surgery – Anterior cervical discectomy/corpectomy Posterior cervical laminectomy +/- fusion
Outcome 50% notice improvement in hand/leg function Others arrest progression 1% continue to deteriorate 1 in 1000 risk of paralysis 1 in 10,000 risk of death
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