By: Aseem Aggarwal
Causes of Electrocution Fatalities Contact with Overhead Power lines Contact with Live Circuits Poorly Maintained Extension Cords Defective Power Tools
Electrical Injuries There are direct and indirect types of electrical injuries: Direct: Electrocution or death due to electrical shock Electrical shock Burns Indirect: Falls Fire
Clues that Electrical Dangers Exist Tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses Warm tools, wires, cords, connections, or junction boxes GFCI that shuts off a circuit Worn or frayed insulation around wire or connection
Shock Severity Severity of the shock depends on: Path of current through the body Amount of current flowing through the body (amps) Duration of the shocking current through the body
Effects of amount of current 3 ma- painful shock which cause indirect accidents 10ma- muscle contraction...”no let go” danger 30ma- lung paralysis- usually temporary 50ma- possible ventricular fibrillation (heart dysfunction, usually fatal) 100 ma- certain ventricular fibrillation, fatal 4 amps- heart paralysis, severe burns
Safety-Related Work Practices To protect workers from electrical shock: Use barriers and guards to prevent passage through areas of exposed energized equipment Pre-plan work, post hazard warnings and use protective measures Keep working spaces and walkways clear of cords
Caution Special Training is required for work on electrical equipment. Such training is for Authorized Employees and it covers: Safe Work Practices Isolation of Electrical Sources Test Equipment Tools & PPE Only Authorized Employees may conduct electrical work Use control devices such as buttons and switches
Tools & Equipment Use insulated tools or handling equipment when working near exposed energized conductors or circuit parts. Use fuse handling equipment to remove or install fuses when the fuse terminals are energized. Ropes and hand lines used near exposed energized parts must be nonconductive.
To conclude Electrical equipment must be: Listed and labeled Free from hazards Used in the proper manner If you use electrical tools you must: Be protected from electrical shock Use them in a comfortable position Be provided with necessary safety equipment