Project management Topic 3 Directing a project
Overview of processes Authorise Initiation Authorisation for Initiation Stage Authorise the Project Contract generated Contract signed Authorise Stage or Exception Plan Authorisation for Stage or Exception Ad Hoc Direction Decisions Confirm Project Close Resources released Project Closure Notification
Authorise initiation stage Formally confirm appointments to project management team Ratify project brief with corporate Approve plan to develop PID Obtain or commit resources to Initiation Stage Plan Request support of the host organisation for space, communications, services, equipment etc
Authorise the project No project should commit to significant spending without: The Business Case is acceptable The project supports the corporate strategy The risks have been assessed and are acceptable Estimate of time and cost is reasonable There are proper project controls There is a process for monitoring progress and controlling change
Authorise a Stage or Exception Plan Authorise the next stage of work – Check the current status of the project – Check the stage plan with a forecast of resources required and products to be created If forecasts exceed expectations create an exception plan – If project is no longer viable the Project Manager should be instructed to terminate the project Reassess project end date Reassess risks Reassess business case and benefits Commit required resources
Giving ad hoc direction Unscheduled meetings (urgent issues) – Impact to the project from external events – Resource issues outside tolerances – Conflict – Organisational changes – Changing requirements Scheduled meetings – Regular highlight reports for the current stage are reviewed – Monitor any serious risk situations – Resolve any project issues that occur – Requests for change and off-specifications raised with Project Board Project Board must approve or reject changes Communications Plan procedures, distribute Highlight Reports to Project Board
Confirm project close Confirm that all completed products have been approved by the customer Confirm that operations, maintenance and support is provided Record follow-on recommendations Confirm hand-over of products and configuration management Approve the Lessons Learned Report for distribution Prepare the Project Closure Notification Publish and distribute the plans for the post-project review
Fundamentals Direction is performed from the end of ‘starting up a project’ until project closure The process is done by the Project Board The project board manages by exception – It monitors via reports and controls and a small number of decision points – The PM informs the Project Board of any exception situation Includes: – Authorising the project and each stage of the project – Provide ad-hoc direction and control – Liaising with corporate management – Confirming project closure