SHARE Town Hall Meeting Oct. 3, 2001 Jerry Kriss Page 1 What is SHARE? SHARE = Study of Hubble Archive & Reprocessing Enhancements Chartered by Rodger.


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Presentation transcript:

SHARE Town Hall Meeting Oct. 3, 2001 Jerry Kriss Page 1 What is SHARE? SHARE = Study of Hubble Archive & Reprocessing Enhancements Chartered by Rodger Doxsey Study participants include Jerry Kriss (chair)HST/STIS & NGST Howard BushouseESS/SSG Mark DickinsonHST/NICMOS Megan DonahueACDSD (& FASST Chair) Dorothy FraquelliACDSD Mauro GiavaliscoHST/WFC3 Tony KeyesHST/COS Anton KoekemoerHST/WFPC2 Gerhard MeurerJHU/ACS Paolo PadovaniACDSD Bill SparksHST/ACS Daryl SwadeESS

SHARE Town Hall Meeting Oct. 3, 2001 Jerry Kriss Page 2 The SHARE Charter The Deployment of On-The-Fly Reprocessing (OTFR) enables potential new services utilizing the HST archive. The SHARE study is chartered to Evaluate and recommend general capabilities, services and enhancements to these systems. Evaluate and recommend specific new scientific services and enhancements to these systems. These should be augmentations with clear and substantial added benefit for the research community. Provide a rough road map or order for the implementation of the recommendations made in item 1 and 2. Recommend a process for encouraging astronomical community participation in the development of such enhancements. Recommend a process for regularly assessing and prioritizing enhancements of this type in the future.

SHARE Town Hall Meeting Oct. 3, 2001 Jerry Kriss Page 3 Ideas for Reprocessing Enhancements 1.Improvements to the accuracy of the World Coordinate System in the headers of calibrated data products. 2.Combining images to produce a wide-field mosaic or deep stacked image. 3.Identifying and classifying objects in a single image or a combined set of images. 4.Producing a catalog of objects in a single image or a combined set of images. 5.Determining photometric redshifts for objects in a region of sky which is imaged in a number of different bands. 6.Combining spectra from several different observations or from dithered STIS observations. 7.Using the time history of data and calibrations to enhance the reprocessing. 8.Providing better quality information for data sets in the archive. 9.Allow users to specify customized parameters to be used when running OTFR to tailor the pipeline calibration to their scientific needs. 10.Creating "data cubes" from dithered long-slit spectroscopic observations.

SHARE Town Hall Meeting Oct. 3, 2001 Jerry Kriss Page 4 Recommendations for Implementation Assess the resources required for each idea Evaluate the likely timescales for implementation Given the required resources and timescales, reassess our priorities and recommend a development road map

SHARE Town Hall Meeting Oct. 3, 2001 Jerry Kriss Page 5 Encouraging Community Participation Advertise and discuss ideas for reprocessing enhancements at ADASS meetings Encourage contributed software/data products through a special category of archival proposals

SHARE Town Hall Meeting Oct. 3, 2001 Jerry Kriss Page 6 Assessing and Prioritizing Future Enhancements Report updates on progress in Archive Newsletters Make regular presentations to the STUC as enhancements proceed Advertise current work at ADASS conferences and AAS meetings Hold discussions at yearly ADASS meetings