Romantic Teen Films: An Overview
The Roles Hero/Heroine (often female) Geeky sidekick Popular clique Dumb jocks Nerds Authority figure (often absent or rarely seen)
Setting High school School related events: dance, game, etc. Home Summer/after school jobs Party
Language Discourses Teen speak Unique vocabulary (Slang & Abrv.) Closed language (only the select) Mean – cruel, blunt, & clever Direct opposition to “parent speak” Defines social status
Typical Story Lines Romance Coming-of-age Fulfilling your dreams Finding yourself Achieving social status
Problems & Issues Social status conflict Parental control Finding a boy or girlfriend Friends – finding and keeping Age – too young Lack of skill – athletics, etc.
Problems Solved A “savior” lifts you to popularity Someone outside story gives advice An event makes hero/ine reassess their values/situation Society or group changes to fit the character Hero/ine reaches self-actualization
Themes Social acceptance is paramount to happiness One person can elevate you to popularity/happiness Being yourself is good, but only after you achieve social status
Themes (cont.) Popularity is competitive; Nerdiness is cooperative A heterosexual relationship completes you The world of the teen is all- consuming for teens and adults alike