The Election of 1932 Herbert Hoover (Republican) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Democrat)
Despair and Protest By 1932, millions of unemployed workers and impoverished farmers were in a state bordering on desperationBy 1932, millions of unemployed workers and impoverished farmers were in a state bordering on desperation
Unrest on the Farms In many communities, farmers banded together to stop banks from foreclosing on their farms and evicting them from their homesIn many communities, farmers banded together to stop banks from foreclosing on their farms and evicting them from their homes Usually—the effort collapsed after some violenceUsually—the effort collapsed after some violence
Bonus March Unemployed WWI veterans marched to Washington, DC, to demand immediate payment of bonuses promised them at a later date (1945)Unemployed WWI veterans marched to Washington, DC, to demand immediate payment of bonuses promised them at a later date (1945) Camped in improvised shacks near the CapitolCamped in improvised shacks near the Capitol Congress failed to pass the bonus billCongress failed to pass the bonus bill
Disastrous Response Hoover ordered the army to break up the encampmentHoover ordered the army to break up the encampment Tanks & tear gas were used to drive the veterans from WashingtonTanks & tear gas were used to drive the veterans from Washington Incident caused many to regard Pres. Hoover as heartless & uncaringIncident caused many to regard Pres. Hoover as heartless & uncaring
The Election of 1932 The depression’s worst year, 1932, was a presidential election yearThe depression’s worst year, 1932, was a presidential election year Republicans re-nominated Herbert HooverRepublicans re-nominated Herbert Hoover Democrats nominated NY Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt for presidentDemocrats nominated NY Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt for president
The Election of 1932 Herbert Hoover Believed that federal government should not try to fix people’s problems. Argued that federal aid and government policies to help the poor would alter the foundation of our national life. He argued for voluntary aid to help the poor and argued against giving the national government more power. Hoover gave very few campaign speeches and was jeered by crowds.
The Election of 1932 Franklin Roosevelt Believed that government had a responsibility to help people in need. Called for a reappraisal of values and more controls on big business. Helped many Americans reassess the importance of “making it on their own” without any help. Much of his support came from urban workers, coal miners, and immigrants in need of federal relief.
FDR’s Platform Pledged a “new deal” for the American peoplePledged a “new deal” for the American people Repeal of ProhibitionRepeal of Prohibition Aid for the unemployedAid for the unemployed
Election The only real issue was the depression, and which candidate— Hoover or Roosevelt—could do a better job of ending the hard timesThe only real issue was the depression, and which candidate— Hoover or Roosevelt—could do a better job of ending the hard times Almost 60% of them concluded that it was time for a changeAlmost 60% of them concluded that it was time for a change
1932 Election Results New President— FDRNew President— FDR Congress—both houses Democratic majoritiesCongress—both houses Democratic majorities
Red- HooverRed- Hoover Blue- FDRBlue- FDR