END OF WORLD WAR 2 Objective: SWBAT reflect on knowledge learned through a study guide. Purpose: To review information learned and to reassess comprehension prior to a unit test. Standard(s): Students will describe the causes of World War II; including the legacy of World War I… Describe the cultural, economic, political, and technological impact of World War II on the United States. Historical Thinking Skill: Cause & Consequences Analysis & Evaluation.
- Photograph Analysis Questions: 1. What is happening in the photograph? 2. Is the background of any significance? 3. What details in the photograph reveal the date of the event? 4. What do you see? Who is the most important person? Why? 5. Write 3 more questions you would like to ask about the photograph. Discussion: 2 minutes – Turn to your neighbor and share your answers. I will walk around, listen to the conversations, and appropriately call on students to discuss.
WARM-UP: CNN STUDENT NEWS Receive Notebook and write NAME & CLASS PERIOD # on the front (if possible) and back. Write down 5 IMPORTANT facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: SEMESTER 2 DISCIPLINE PLAN & PROCEDURES Use of cellphone / mp3 device: I will grant the use of the cellphone or mp3 device during SPECIFIC segments of the lesson. 1. Warm-up: No! 2. Activity: Foldable’s, in-class work: YES! 3. Lecture Notes, Video Notes, Picture Analysis & Discussion: No! 4. Assessment / Assignment (depends): YES! 5. Closure/Exit Slip: No! Failure to comply with rules or directions WILL result in disciplinary actions. Classroom Behavior & Participation Update: I will both REWARD and PUNISH Classroom Behavior & Participation with points. I will REWARD based on participation, raising hand, discussion, answering questions, and good behavior. I will PUNISH based on classroom disruption, insubordination, off-task behavior, not following rules / procedures, etc. will be used this semester as a tool to allow me to remind YOU when assignments may be due, upcoming tests, and other general things of importance to the class and YOUR education. This will be a required assignment. Use of Notebooks: Notebooks will be assigned to each and every student and will be color coded based on classroom period. Notebooks will be retrieved prior to the warm-up and returned after the closure. Notebooks DO NOT need to be taken home. They can stay in the classroom. Late Policy: Late assignments will result in ½ off after the due date.
POST-LESSON ANNOUNCEMENTS : EXTRA CREDIT & HOMEWORK 1. Receive TWENTY FIVE (25) Extra Credit points if you bring in ONE (1) unopened box of Tissue Paper. Mas 2 per person. Must be Unopened & Unused. Homework: Poster Projects:
- Watch video. Take 3 notes per leader: 1. Joseph Stalin 2. Adolf Hitler 3. Benito Mussolini 4. Hideki Tojo VIDEO: WORLD WAR II: CAUSES WARM-UP: QUICKWRITE & DISCUSSION
- Recall… 1. One major cause of WWII that happened in 1919 was World War I 2. Another major cause of WWII that happened in 1929 was The Great Depression What’s next? More Causes 3. The next big cause of WWII was a result of the first 2 causes. It is known as Fascism _ ACTIVITY: WWII - CAUSES