+ FAs, RTI, and PEPs Oh my!!
+ Common Formative Assessments Why? An effective strategy to quickly monitor individual student progress; If done correctly, it effectively targets specific enduring goals and objectives to help teachers adapt and adjust whole class and individual instruction; Helps teachers to be metacognitive about their instruction. When At minimum, every 2 weeks.
+ Today Are you ready? Brought a copy of your FA/CFA Graded your FA/CFA Completed the matrix on the Common Assessment Documentation form on your students. In Small Groups/PLCs Consolidate data into one matrix if in PLC Report/consolidate number of 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s Brainstorm what prevents 1s from being 2s, 2s from being 3s, 3s from being 4s, etc. What will you do to reteach/enrich instruction so 1s can achieve a 2, 2s achieve a 3, etc. How will you know? Reassess? Each group should be prepared to report out.
+ Following up Send a copy of your/your PLC’s Common Assessment Documentation form to me, completed. Plan for your next FA to be administered by and discussed on October 1, Send me your PLC minutes every week.
+ Responsiveness to Instruction “North Carolina Responsiveness to Instruction (NCRtI) is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, high quality instruction. NCRtI employs a team approach to guide educational practices, using a problem-solving model based on data, to address student needs and maximize growth for all.”
+ Three Tiered Model individual.pdf
+ Tier 1 individual.pdf
+ Tier 2 individual.pdf
+ Tier 3 individual.pdf
+ Common Assessments and RTI Common Assessments supports the RTI model Ensuring we as educators are delivering a guaranteed and viable curriculum… Are at least 80% of all students meeting goals and objectives? How about subgroups? If not, how do I as an educator reteach/adjust my teaching for ALL students? If at least 80% of all students are meeting goals and objectives, it helps to identify students that need supplemental support The frequency of FA lets us know if this support is successful The frequency of FA ensures that interventions are timely If interventions and supplemental supports are effective, students may “travel” between tier 1 and 2. That is OK.
+ PEPs and RTI PEPs help to document the supplemental support we provide students that are at risk of “falling below grade level expectations.” PEPs are the LAW. NC law. If interventions and supplemental supports are consistently ineffective, students may need intensive support (contacting the counselor and administrator to see if a Student Intervention Team needs to be convened). PEPs help in this process.
+ Common Assessments and PEPs Common Assessments supports the PEP Process Ensuring we as educators are delivering a guaranteed and viable curriculum… Are at least 80% of all students meeting goals and objectives? How about subgroups? If not, how do I as an educator reteach/adjust my teaching for ALL students? If at least 80% of all students are meeting goals and objectives, it helps to identify students that need supplemental support The frequency of FA lets us know if this support is successful The frequency of FA ensures that interventions are timely Incidentally…these students need a PEP
+ AHS and PEPs We have PEPs for students that span 3 years on the server. AHS03…users…curriculum You can always go back and review a student’s prior PEP Central 02 Server PEP folder Central02…users…PEP … New form…On the server ******ACS PEP directions***** ACS PEP form Example Interventions You can collaborate Make every effort to involve parents/guardians, but don’t delay supplemental support. Document every attempt!!! MUST be completed by the end of the first grading period (part of the law). Make this a digital copy. On the server. Put a hard copy in Ms. Crooks’ box by October 31, with required signatures. A final copy will be due to Ms. Crooks at the end of each semester. These will gox into cumulative folders.