Strategic Plan Dr. Sarah Luczyk, Director of Assessment & Planning
Framing the Divisional Plan Priority 1: Facilitate robust student life programs and services that support retention, persistence, and degree completion. Priority 2: Utilize technology to increase student engagement and deliver information. Priority 3: Cultivate and retain highly-qualified staff. Priority 4: Develop Division-wide proficiency (competence) in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data that guide decision-making, guides resource allocation, and tells our story. Priority 5: Advance student facility priorities identified within the scope of the UWF Campus Master Plan. Priority 6: Expand collaborative partnerships between and among divisions.
Priority 1: Facilitate robust student life programs and services that support retention, persistence and degree completion Review and strengthen the Delphi (first-year and Oracle (second-year residential learning communities Update the FTIC retention plan and develop retention plans for student subpopulations Increase the number, chapter membership and variety of social fraternities and sororities
Priority 1: Facilitate robust student life programs and services that support retention, persistence and degree completion Increase the number of industry-focused career fairs Develop a plan for the continuing engagement of parents and families with the University and each other post orientation
Priority 2: Utilize technology to increase student engagement and deliver information. Create mobile applications for events Increase the use of ID card swipers as a means to track levels of student involvement and participation. Explore texting options for the reporting of non-emergency information to the University Police Department. Create online modules or delivery mechanisms for technological enhancements to traditionally face-to-face programs and services.
Priority 3: Cultivate and retain highly qualified staff Develop a plan to address salary issues. Seek accreditation for the Counseling Center and University Police Department. Develop the next series of modules for multicultural competence. Enhance graduate assistant opportunities for professional development.
Priority 4: Develop division-wide competence in the collection, analysis and dissemination of data… Develop an annual assessment plan for the division. Align and reassess efforts with SACSCOC Accreditation. Provide regular briefings to governance organizations and leadership teams related to the student experience at UWF. Identify theoretical frameworks that support all divisional student learning outcomes.
Priority 5: Advance student facility priorities identified within the scope of the UWF Campus Master Plan Partner with other divisions to advance the Campus Master Plan elements related to Student Affairs Evaluate the readiness for the development of a Greek Village Evaluate expansion opportunities for the Health Center and Child Care Center
Priority 6: Expand collaborative partnerships between and among divisions Develop assessment of student community engagement initiatives to assist in measuring the impact of mutually beneficial partnerships on the co-curricular student experience. Coordinate efforts in regard to research of student-focused grant opportunities, and collaborate with the Undergraduate Research Program, as necessary. Utilize Jason Quest (software program) as a portal to house community engagement opportunities, and utilize the technology to provide necessary metrics in regards to student engagement.