Kirklees and Calderdale SCITT Secondary Conference Wednesday 10th September 2014
Why revisit the SA? Now you are in post, your view of your personal skills, needs and knowledge levels may have changed. Your mentor will probably not have read your SA before now A revisit gives you and your mentor a new, informed opportunity to reassess your training needs
Activity Revisit your Self-Audit and agree your skill and knowledge levels Make amendments as appropriate Remember this information will inform your D7
Training Plan (B5) The TP is drawn up by the school in consultation with the trainee and with guidance from the Partnership tutor team. The TP will cover a variety of teaching experiences and training activities, across two key stages, within either Primary or Secondary. It helps you to compile and track your evidence
What will it look like? It should include all the training activities you undertake. Core training + school based training It provides an opportunity for you to understand how your training programme is impacting on your practice and to identify next steps in your training It provides clear opportunities to cross reference your evidence against the standards
Weekly Mentor Meeting The meeting should Use the Training Plan (B5) to record key points and targets from your weekly mentor meeting. The meeting should be as subject-specific as possible develop understanding of how the Standards for the Award of QTS can be met in your subject/key stage Track trainee progress and development Discuss and reflect on the training plan – evaluate progress Discuss other relevant evidence Eg lesson observations Staff training Core programme etc Draw up new learning for the following week and record in the training plan Remember to record mentor meetings on the training plan
Lesson Observations Trainees must be observed teaching at least once per week Observations may be made by mentor, coordinator, senior managers or other colleagues - written feedback must be provided and discussed with the trainee Observations must be focused and where possible linked to their training plan Areas for development should be clear and future planning should show how these are addressed The trainee should observe other colleagues teaching – the focus of this should also be identified in their training plan
Activity Use the Self-Audit as a starting point and other relevant knowledge Draw up the learning for next week (and beyond).
Assessment Record (D7) This document is to be used as - a tracking matrix to note cross-reference sources of evidence that meet the Standards. It should be clear how the selected evidence meets the standards a formative assessment record tracking trainee progress the basis of regular reviews between the trainee, the mentor and the coordinator a summative assessment record showing trainee attainment half termly At the end of each half term a completed, updated copy of the top sheet should be sent to the Partnership office. Today please complete the D7 front sheet based on the SA review and hand in.
Activity Complete the D7 front sheet based on the SA review and hand in before you leave.
D7 Meetings Half termly meeting Discuss progress against the Teaching Standards Use the Training Plan and evidence files to make a grade judgement and record this progress on the D7 Fill in the front sheet of the D7 and send to the office on w/e: 24th October 2014 19th December 2014 13th February 2015 2nd April 2015 22nd May 2015 Plus final assessment
What your tutor will want to see Current training plan Lesson observation records – at least one per week Lesson plans with evidence of self evaluation, which can be shown to be used to inform future planning Assessment Record, front page updated every half term AFL records / evidence Evidence of completed tasks
Roles Mentor - Day-to-day Co-ordinator - Oversight Tutor - Q/A Moderation
It is in no-ones interest that we fail Trainee Support Plan If a trainee needs extra support, the school, tutor and Partnership will utilise the Trainee Support Plan to address concerns. It is in no-ones interest that we fail
Delicate Balance School is the primary training provider. SCITT is the accrediting body and as such has the final say.
2nd Experience Does the school provide a contrasting experience? Guidance on selecting a second school placement: Does the school provide a contrasting experience? Is the school in a different socio-economic group? Does the school offer me opportunity to work with children who different individual needs from children in my school? Is the school an existing partner? 16
The 2nd experience can be with the same key stage or year group BUT…if this is the case your main school must provide experience across 2 key stages within your main placement. 17
Assignments PG Cert Ed Students – your assignments are set and marked by University of Huddersfield QTS Only Students – your assignments are set and marked by Kirklees and Calderdale SCITT Assignment One has a focus onTeaching and Learning Assignment Two is a Curriculum Package
School NQT Induction Programme If your school is linking your training with their school NQT Induction Programme then please allow us to have a copy of their programme.
Coaching and Mentoring Training (for Mentors) Already had a good response. The afternoon sessions are now full We are now offering morning sessions on the same dates The dates are: Thursday 18th September Thursday 13th November Thursday 22nd January Thursday 30th April Please email or ring to book your place
OFSTED We will be inspected in the Summer Term. Probably May. The areas we are judged upon are; Behaviour Management Professional Conduct and Dress Impact/Benefit of training (how well are you being prepared to teach?) Engagement of the schools with the Partnership Accuracy of judgements
Contacts 01924 407547 Password: @14SCITTTA15
Any questions? 23