President Joseph Fielding Smith: “Doctrine and Covenants 88 was one of the greatest revelations ever given to man” (Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56] 3:181). President Joseph Fielding Smith: “Doctrine and Covenants 88 was one of the greatest revelations ever given to man” (Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56] 3:181).
ever been in complete darkness? how did it feel?
1.All prayers are recorded in a book in heaven (2) 2.The Holy Ghost is only one of two Comforters (3) 3.The earth, stars and other planets get light from the sun (7-13) 4.If we are righteous, we will live on no other planet than this earth (20) 5.Like us, this earth will one day die, be judged, and then inherit a kingdom of glory (25- 26) 6.People will be miserable forever unless they are in the Celestial Kingdom (32-33,35) 7.“Birds of a feather flock together” is a truer saying than “opposites attract” (40, 63) 8.God, our Heavenly Father, organized and created this earth (41-47) 9.While on earth, Jesus visited not only Jerusalem and America, but other planets as well (51-61) 10.Your current seminary teacher is a graceful person (77-78) 11.If you don’t do your part in missionary work, you will be held partially responsible for other people’s sins (81-82) 12.Angles do not play trumpets in heaven (94-106) 13.Armageddon is an actual physical fight between Christ and Satan during the end of the millennium ( ) On your paper, please write a “T” for true doctrine or an “F” for false doctrine
Let’s correct the answers…
1.All prayers are recorded in a book in heaven (2) 2.The Holy Ghost is only one of two Comforters (3)
Doctrine and Covenants 88:3-4 “Second Comforter” Joseph Smith taught: “After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for the remission for his sins and receives the Holy Ghost (by the laying on of hands), which is the first Comforter. “Then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted…Then it will be his privilege to receive the other comforter. To receive the other Comforter is to have Christ appear to him and to see the visions of eternity.” (Teachings, ).
1.All prayers are recorded in a book in heaven (2) 2.The Holy Ghost is only one of two Comforters (3) 3.The earth, stars and other planets get light from the sun (7-13) 4.If we are righteous, we will live on no other planet than this earth (20) 5.Like us, this earth will one day die, be judged, and then inherit a kingdom of glory (25- 26) 6.People will be miserable forever unless they are in the Celestial Kingdom (32-33,35) 7.“Birds of a feather flock together” is a truer saying than “opposites attract” (40, 63)
Elder Delbert L. Stapley: “Perhaps it would be well for each of us to reassess ourselves to determine where we presently stand in relation to the law of the celestial kingdom: 1. Do I study and ponder the scriptures? 2. Do I follow the counsel of God’s living prophet? 3. Do I seek the advice and counsel of my bishop? 4. Am I earnestly striving to discipline myself? 5. Am I making every effort to repent of past or present wrongdoings? 6. Do I have an attitude of faith in God even though I experience trials, adversity, and affliction? “Keeping the commandments of God is not a difficult burden when we do it out of love. Our willingness to comply with the commandments of God is a witness of our faith in Him and our love for Him. A rebellious disposition cannot inherit the celestial kingdom” (“The Blessings of Righteous Obedience,” Ensign, Nov. 1977, 20–21).
1.All prayers are recorded in a book in heaven (2) 2.The Holy Ghost is only one of two Comforters (3) 3.The earth, stars and other planets get light from the sun (7-13) 4.If we are righteous, we will live on no other planet than this earth (20) 5.Like us, this earth will one day die, be judged, and then inherit a kingdom of glory (25- 26) 6.People will be miserable forever unless they are in the Celestial Kingdom (32-33,35) 7.“Birds of a feather flock together” is a truer saying than “opposites attract” (40, 63) 8.God, our Heavenly Father, organized and created this earth (41-47) 9.While on earth, Jesus visited not only Jerusalem and America, but other planets as well (51-61)
Orson Pratt: “He has other worlds or creations and other sons and daughters, perhaps just as good as those dwelling on this planet, and they will be visited and they will be made glad with countenance of their Lord. Thus he will go, in the time and in the season thereof, from Kingdom to kingdom or from world to world, causing the pure in heart to rejoice in his presence” (Journal of Discourses, 17:332).
1.All prayers are recorded in a book in heaven (2) 2.The Holy Ghost is only one of two Comforters (3) 3.The earth, stars and other planets get light from the sun (7-13) 4.If we are righteous, we will live on no other planet than this earth (20) 5.Like us, this earth will one day die, be judged, and then inherit a kingdom of glory (25- 26) 6.People will be miserable forever unless they are in the Celestial Kingdom (32-33,35) 7.“Birds of a feather flock together” is a truer saying than “opposites attract” (40, 63) 8.God, our Heavenly Father, organized and created this earth (41-47) 9.While on earth, Jesus visited not only Jerusalem and America, but other planets as well (51-61) 10.Your current seminary teacher is a graceful person (77-78) 11.If you don’t do your part in missionary work, you will be held partially responsible for other people’s sins (81-82)
Two volunteers The class will say the word “NO” (as if they were the in the following scenarios) and you, our lovely volunteers, will try to guess what the situation is based on how they say “no”
A Mom is telling her child to say “no” before the child touches a hot stove Person saying “no” when offered drugs Judge responding to a murderer’s request for a very easy sentence with no jail time Boy saying no to a girl’s request for a date Girl saying no to a boy’s ‘romantic doorstep pursuits’ after a date Read D&C 88:88-91 Why would the Lord use different voices?
1.All prayers are recorded in a book in heaven (2) 2.The Holy Ghost is only one of two Comforters (3) 3.The earth, stars and other planets get light from the sun (7-13) 4.If we are righteous, we will live on no other planet than this earth (20) 5.Like us, this earth will one day die, be judged, and then inherit a kingdom of glory (25- 26) 6.People will be miserable forever unless they are in the Celestial Kingdom (32-33,35) 7.“Birds of a feather flock together” is a truer saying than “opposites attract” (40, 63) 8.God, our Heavenly Father, organized and created this earth (41-47) 9.While on earth, Jesus visited not only Jerusalem and America, but other planets as well (51-61) 10.Your current seminary teacher is a graceful person (77-78) 11.If you don’t do your part in missionary work, you will be held partially responsible for other people’s sins (81-82) 12.Angles do not play trumpets in heaven (94-106) 13.Armageddon is an actual physical fight between Christ and Satan during the end of the millennium ( )
President Joseph Fielding Smith: “Doctrine and Covenants 88 was one of the greatest revelations ever given to man” (Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56] 3:181). President Joseph Fielding Smith: “Doctrine and Covenants 88 was one of the greatest revelations ever given to man” (Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. [1954–56] 3:181).