Modes of Enquiry A Comparison of the Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Modes of enquiry QUANTITATIVE MODE ASSUMPTIONS Objective reality of social facts Primacy of method Possible to identify variables Possible to measure variables QUALITATIVE MODE ASSUMPTIONS Social construction of reality Primacy of subject matter Complexity of variables Difficulty in measuring variables
Modes of enquiry QUANTITATIVE PURPOSE Generalization Prediction Causal explanation QUALITATIVE PURPOSE Contextualization Interpretation Understanding participant perspectives
MODES OF ENQUIRY QUANTITATIVE APPROACH Hypothesis based Manipulation and control Uses formal instruments Experimentation Deductive Component analysis Seeking norms and consensus Reducing data to numerical indices QUALITATIVE APPROACH Theory generating Emergence and portrayal Researcher as instrument Naturalistic Inductive Pattern seeking Looking for pluralism and complexity Descriptive
Modes of enquiry QUANTITATIVE RESEARCHER ROLE Detachment and impartiality Objective portrayal QUALITATIVE RESEARCHER ROLE Personal involvement and partiality Empathetic understanding