Enquiry about the Comenius project (teachers)
How well do you think your team was working?
How useful did you find the information in the schools and companies?
What do you think of the program?
Was the program full or not full enough? Quit full but a bit more working in the school (mixed) might be good for the quality of interaction between the students Full and not enough time for souvenir and Riga, and lunch.
How clear and understandable were the presentations/ workshops in your opinion?
Did you find the workshops in this week were interesting?
Did you like excursion in Riga?
Did you like the Rundale Palace?
What did you like the most this week? Rundale Palace Relationship between teachers Presentation day Contact with the other teachers To learn more about the beautiful culture of Latvia Excursion in Riga, Sigulda Preparations by the Latvian students A visit to the Parliament
If there is something you can improve about this week, what would you do? Fixed times for lunch They want to visit the hosting families More time for discovering on our own cities like Riga and Ogre The weather It was good enough.
How well was your stay in the hotel?
How well did your group blend in with the Latvian students?
Did you see the English of your students improve?
Have you traced any cultural development in your group of students?