Guided Enquiry. OBJECTIVES databases  Understand what information is available from the databases  Locate and become familiar with the Student Research.


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Presentation transcript:

Guided Enquiry

OBJECTIVES databases  Understand what information is available from the databases  Locate and become familiar with the Student Research Center  Understand how to search for and access articles  Understand how to retrieve articles online and print, save or

Definitions  Databases are built around indexing and abstracting services, usually have searchable interfaces based on citations and abstract in the database  Full text vs Full content, decision from aggregator not Publisher  E-journals are generally full content, made available directly by the Publisher  Sometimes not searchable or very limited

What is a periodical?  Published on an ongoing or regular basis (daily, weekly, bimonthly quarterly etc)  Includes magazines, journals and newspapers Formats :  electronic  paper  micro Periodicals may be scholarly or of general interest.

Databases & Periodical Articles Journal articles are a good starting point for:  very specific topics and more in-depth information  researching accredited authors with some degree of expertise in their field  Different viewpoints  Recently published articles (e.g for science, technology, medical, and environmental issues

Information Literacy  Modern day term for library Information skills  Focus is on defining the information need, locating, analysing, evaluating, interpreting & selecting relevant information

Other issues  ethical use of information including understanding and observing copyright;  attributing sources and avoiding plagiarism;  managing your digital footprint; understanding your rights & responsibilities as an online citizen.

Access e-LIBRARY Click on eResources link

EBSCO Host Research Database

Student Research Centre


List Periodicals by subject

EBSCOhost – 5 key steps Think about how you structure your SEARCH - phrases, truncation, boolean Search Use the FACETS to focus your search and refine the results Facets Browse RESULTS to look for full text, custom links, request options Result Use the FOLDER to collect articles to send on - log in to store these virtually Folder Do you need to SAVE or set up an ALERT to a search or publication Save/ Alert

Boolean Operators  AND is used between terms to narrow your search diabetes and obesity will retrieve references containing both search terms  OR is used between terms to broaden your search diet or nutrition will retrieve references containing either search term  NOT is used to omit a term from your search cancer not smoking will retrieve references containing the term cancer, but that do not contain the term smoking

Search Tips  The truncation/word stemming device is the asterisk (*) econom* will retrieve economic, economics, economical, economically, etc  The single character wildcard is question mark (?) organi?ation will retrieve organisation or organization

 The multiple character wildcard is the hash (#) colo#r will retrieve color or colour  Use quotation marks for “phrase searching” “global warming” will retrieve references that contain both terms next to each other, in this exact order

Smart text searching (For when you are stuck and getting frustrated) Tries to guess what you are looking for. Put in a phrase or sentence or question. Platform will try and identify what the key concepts are in your questions. Searches everything – included to body text. Students should be doing this themselves. Helps when you can’t find anything when using your search terms.

Find articles about specific topic

Primary Source Documents

Narrow results by

Add records to Folder

View complete article, or

Folder Contents

Saving Records

Detailed Citation and Abstract

Flash tutorial ANZ Student Reference Centre

Database recap  Search for ‘authenticated’ articles  Access the citation, abstract or full text of articles  Choice of citation style (although not Harvard or Oxford) for bibliography  Automatic use of boolean operators in your basic search  Don’t have to move from your seat