5/9/2015TCB Council1 TCB Sharing of FCC KDBs Michael Derby TCB Council Chairman 9 th April 2014
5/9/2015TCB Council2 Introduction Overview of the main FCC KDB types General KDB enquiries Proposal for improvement and education of our industry Examples Feedback
5/9/2015TCB Council3 KDB Types Main types of KDB sent from the FCC General information sent by the FCC KDB for DTS, KDB for RF Exposure Response to enquiry; specific to project Model XYZ does ABC; can I proceed with this result? FCC will reply; specific to that project Will include KDBs such as PBA Do not share these KDB responses
5/9/2015TCB Council4 KDB Types Main types of KDB sent from the FCC Response to enquiry; general guidance In general, with “X” situation; what do I do? Not project specific (even if you asked because of a project!) FCC will reply; general interpretation of their rules Often very useful to everyone This is what we’re talking about!
5/9/2015TCB Council5 General KDB Enquiries Sent to the FCC by a TCB, Test Lab or Manufacturer; for general guidance Not specific to one project or model Useful, informative guidance from the FCC Would benefit the whole industry Note that if the KDB guidance is ‘restrictive’ in any way, then it may be advantageous to share this! This could also apply to guidance from IC
5/9/2015TCB Council6 KDB Sharing Proposal We propose to gather these and share Recipient sends them to the TCB Council We to members, if appropriate We present details at the subsequent workshop At the time of writing these slides, the exact format has yet to be agreed with the FCC and Industry Canada
5/9/2015TCB Council7 Examples Three examples of what we mean Full KDB text not included at this time Full KDB may be ed to TCBC membership with agreement from the FCC and the company who submitted the KDB enquiry Text may be copied from original KDB to provide anonymity in certain cases
5/9/2015TCB Council8 Limited Modular Approval Can a module without a shield be tested in a stand-alone configuration, for LMA? FCC: “No” Limited Modules must be tested in a typical host device and/or configuration For a module with no shield, this would mean testing must be performed with the module ‘inside’ the host LMA is literally limited to a specific host or group Module Grantee is responsible for compliance of the module in the final host product, not the OEM
5/9/2015TCB Council9 Non-USA Frequency Changes Changing non-USA frequency band hardware such as 900 MHz / 1800 MHz components Can this be a Permissive Change because those bands are not listed on the FCC Grant? FCC: This requires a new FCC ID This cannot be a Permissive Change Certification covers all transmitter hardware Changes would make it “non-identical”
5/9/2015TCB Council10 DTS Duty Cycle and KDB for DTS states that spurious emissions cannot apply 15.35(c) duty cycle Can we use it for devices with fixed duty cycle? FCC: This is an acceptable deviation 15.35(c) can be applied to maximum duty cycle Duty cycle must be source based (hard-wired) Expect modification in next KDB
5/9/2015TCB Council11 Useful Proposal? What do you think? Do you think this is useful? Would you be happy to receive this information? Would you be happy to send this information? Please send information, concerns, suggestions; and KDB replies! to the TCB Council
5/9/2015TCB Council12 Thank You Michael Derby TCB Council, Chairman