Electoral Rolls & EPIC Management System (ERMS). Saleem Khan Electoral Rolls & EPIC Management System (ERMS) Saleem Khan Technical Director, NIC
Introduction State Level Agency Name of the Project User Department J&K Electoral Rolls and EPIC Management System User Department Chief Electoral Officer, Jammu and Kashmir State Level Agency NIC J&K Language English / Urdu / Hindi URL of the Website http://ceojk.nic.in
Basic Details Parliamentary Constituencies - 6 Assembly Constituencies - 87 Districts - 22 Tehsils - 82 Polling Stations - 9460 Registered Electors (15.05.13) - 68,31,447 EPIC Card Holders (15.05.13) - 58,79,272 EPIC Coverage (15.05.13) - 86.06% 3
Major Objectives Hosting of ERMS Application and database at the NIC Data Centre (4 TB SAN Storage) On-line Filing and Tracking of Voter applications Monitoring by the EROs, DEOs, the CEO and the ECI Authentication by means of Digital Signatures of ERO History/ Log of the entire workflow Total transparency Integration of Textual Data with Electors’ Images National Voter Search National de-Duplication
Processes Digitization of Form 6 - for addition of new voter, Form 7 - for objection on inclusions and deletions, Form 8 - for corrections / modifications and Form 8A - for transposition within AC. Keeping track of every citizen’s application /claim. Data transfer or uploading to centralized database location. De-duplication and searching of data/ record. Assignment of work to enquiry officers (by ERO) for received applications / claims for each part in each AC. Processing of application (by ERO) after reporting of enquiry officers (acceptance/ rejection/ further clarification). Integration of Mother Rolls with Supplementary Rolls. Printing of a Part’s header page, electoral roll and MIS reports. Conversion of photographs from picture format to binary format and merging with alphanumerical data. Printing of Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC).
Salient Features Claims and Objections Continuous Updation - Digitization of Electors’ claims as soon as received E-Filing of claims / objections and their Online Tracking Changes in E-Rolls authenticated by ERO using Digital Signatures Complete History/ Log of the entire workflow from filing to disposal MIS Reports/ Screens for EROs, DEOs, the CEO and the ECI Electoral Rolls Electoral Rolls in Urdu and English (for entire state) and in Hindi (for 5 districts) Being available on the official website, Rolls are easy to obtain and read / understand. Photo-Electoral rolls to help in elimination of impersonation during voting. Name based and EPIC No. based search in the Rolls Online generation of family wise Rolls extracts in Urdu, English and Hindi Alphabetically sorted Electoral Rolls at the time of polling Computerized Voter Slips at the time of Elections Electors Photo Identity Cards So far, 56 Lakh bi-lingual EPIC cards have already been distributed. Centralized Auto generation of unique EPIC number in order to curb fake card production Capturing/ storing/ automatic indexing the electors’ photographs and linking with textual data The software enables auto-Detection of logical data errors It is for the first time that such large-scale use of Urdu for data entry and report generation has been carried out anywhere in India. National Voter Search National de-Duplication 6
Status of Implementation Online ERMS Application and database at NIC Data Centre System users are the CEO, all District Election Officers, all Electoral and Assistant Electoral Officers Computerized Electoral Rolls in Urdu & English (for the entire state) & in Hindi (for 5 districts) 56 Lakh bi-lingual EPIC cards have already been distributed covering 82% of the electorate Web Interface Electoral Rolls – http://ceojk.nic.in/ElectionPDF/Main.aspx Name based and EPIC No. based Search –http://ceojk.nic.in/efiling/main.aspx E-Filing of Claims and Objections – http://ceojk.nic.in/eFiling/addvoters.aspx Claims and Objections tracking –http://ceojk.nic.in/claimforms/frmformsdisplay.aspx Citizens’ Grievances –http://eci-citizenservices.nic.in Mobile (SMS) Interface (Number: 919211728083) Where am I (in Electoral Rolls)? – JKERM <space> STATUS <space> 10-character-EPIC Who is my Booth Level Officer? – JKERM <space> BLO <space> 10-character-EPIC Where is my Polling Station? – JKERM <space> PS <space> 10-character-EPIC Is the EPIC Number valid? - JKERM <space> VALID <space> 10-character-EPIC Get Help about different SMS based services - JKERM <space> HELP Automated processes during Elections Randomization of Polling Parties Randomization of Electronic Voting Machines SMS based Communication Plan for Poll-day Monitoring Webcasting Candidates Information online Affidavits Hosting Results Processing
Problems Faced Maintaining control over Data – Multiple versions, scope for manipulation Ensuring easy availability of Electoral Rolls without personal contact Providing a common interface to public for lodging grievances No tracking mechanism for Elector claims and objections Fixing responsibility for errors/ omissions – Good quality MIS Peculiarities of Urdu Language and Font Achieving standardization in RDBMS, data structures, user interface, report formats Disconnect between EPIC Database and Rolls Database Errors in Transliteration (due to inherent differences in languages) Removal of Errors / Duplications and ensuring fidelity of Rolls Countering Voter Apathy Improving Gender Ratio Netting the Young Electors Including homeless, migrants, NRI, transgender, disabled and sex workers Fine-tuning the Elector-Population Ratio as per the National average Reaching the target of 100% EPIC coverage Preventing impersonation during voting
Overcoming the Challenges Centralized ERMS preventing multiple versions and scope for manipulation Online Electoral Rolls in downloadable PDF format ensuring transparency Public Grievance mechanism online at http://eci-citizenservices.nic.in Online and via SMS Tracking of Electors’ claims and objections All changes to be authenticated by use of DSC by the EROs Nastaleeq Font with Unicode storage MS SQL RDBMS and ECI approved data structures, user interface, report formats etc. Integration between EPIC Database and Rolls Database Continuous Improvement in Transliteration Dictionary De-duplication and inbuilt checks for preventing junk data entry Systematic Voter Education for Electoral Participation (SVEEP) Celebrating 25th January as Voters’ Day Booth Level Agents of political parties Enrolment in educational institutions Newspaper Ads, TV tickers, Brochures Deploying Designated Photography Locations (DPL) Webcasting of polling in Hypersensitive polling stations SMS based poll-day monitoring Photographing and then analysing with IT tools the voters’ faces National / State-wide database of EVM with randomization function Randomization of polling parties
Capacity Building Training at IIDEM under ECI Creating Master Trainers Training Programs for ERO/ AERO Rules and Procedures Using the ICT Applications Training to Booth Level Officers Films/ Videos/ Case Studies Spreading awareness through
Database Structure Electoral Rolls are computerized i.e. maintained in a relational database organized into tables prescribed by ECI Database is stored in two set of tables: Control Table (Master Tables) - Defines relationship between Electoral units such as Parliamentary constituencies, Assembly Constituencies, Parts, Sections and administrative units Elector Details Table – Provides details of the electors Database is updated during every revision process
Control Tables Details in Control tables are required: For printing details on the Part header For data integration of database of all electors in the State Prepare the Draft Rolls in PDF format If the control tables are not filled in a timely manner and correctly, then all the pains taken by EROs to ensure the enrollment of eligible persons would be wasted It is very important to prepare control tables with extreme care and diligence so that the Electoral Rolls are properly generated
Control Tables The Control tables are entered once and used multiple times for roll preparation. An error in control table can magnify multiple times, so utmost care has to be taken while preparing control tables. DEOs /EROs are responsible for collection of this data from the field. DEOs/ EROs supervise the data entry by data entry operators State Level Agency (SLA) provides the technical support
Election System Parliamentary Constituencies Assembly Constituencies Parts Polling Stations Polling Station Buildings Sections 14
Revenue Hierarchy Divisions Districts Sub-Divisions Tehsils RIs / Kanungo Circles Patwari Circles Villages 15
Rural Dev. Hierarchy Blocks Panchayats Villages Reserved Forest 16
Urban Dev. Hierarchy Towns Wards Metros Nagar Nigam (Municipal Corporation) Nagar Palika (Municipality) Nagar Panchayat (City Council) Wards Metros 17
Misc. Units Police Stations Post Offices 18
Points to Remember Each AC is linked with one PC only Each Part is linked with one AC only Each Section is linked with one Part only A Part can have multiple Polling Stations Multiple Polling Stations can be located in one PS Building The relationship between each unit in each different system is one-to-many OR many-to-one. Eg. One PC can have multiple AC, but AC can have only one PC 19
2 1 5 4 3 9 6 7 8 Linking ACs with PCs District 2 District 1 3 2 1 5 4 Boundaries LEGENDS District PC 20 AC Part
Linking ACs with Districts 2 1 5 District 2 4 3 9 6 District 1 Boundaries 7 8 District AC 21 Part
Linking AC with Districts 2 1 5 District 2 4 3 3 9 2 1 5 6 4 District 1 7 8 Boundaries LEGENDS District PC AC 22 Part
Types of Revision There are four kinds of revision :- Intensive Revision Summary Revision* Partly Intensive and Partly Summary, Special Summary Revision. 23
ELECTORAL ROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SOFTWARE) The ERMS (Electoral Roll Management System) will cover the entire process of Electoral Roll preparation for the state from Electoral Roll Revision data management to final Electoral Roll publishing. 24
Understanding ERMS Modules (Core Components) 25
Door to door verification Architecture of ERMS State Level System Control Table Electoral Roll Managing Electoral Roll that includes insertion, deletion, updating and transposition within AC. And printing of Electoral Roll including one or multiple supplementary list. ERO Uploaded Bulk Export BLOs Door to door verification Local Machine Form 6 Form 7,8 & 8A 26 = Database Electors
Component Description (Modules) Admin Module ( For managing users ) Intensive / Summary Revision Data Upload Application ERO / AERO Application Integration and Roll Printing Application Electors’ Photo Identity Card Preparation and Printing Application Searching Module (Web/Mobile based) Control Table Management Module 27
Summary Revision Data Upload An application used to Add, Delete and Update the Electoral Roll. This application is supported by 4 prescribed formats : - Form 6 - For inclusion of name in Electoral Roll Form 7 - For objection to inclusion of name in Electoral Roll Form 8 - Application for objection to particulars entered in Electoral Roll Form 8A - Application for transposition of entry in Electoral Roll. (Within AC) Form 6A – NRI Applications 28
Data Entry and Data Security List of amendments are entered into a database using a software provided by NIC during every revision Data is entered with utmost care ensuring error free entries as it will be published as Rolls later ERO ensures that manuscripts of additions, deletions and corrections are entered timely and correctly BLO goes through checklists and certifies that correct data is entered in the database after the corrections made by ERO in the Roll
Data Entry and Data Security All forms received on paper must be computerized immediately and data uploaded on CEOs server Processing of data should start only after it is uploaded on the Server Full data base security at server level is essential Data is uploaded on a database separate from electoral data base. It may be called uploaded data base Data is shifted from uploaded to electoral database only after full enquiry and approval by ERO with digital signature authentication by ERO
ERO / AERO Application This application is for the Elector Registration Officer to approve revisions made through ‘Summary Revision Data Upload Application’. Roles of ERO Assign Enquiry Officer for each parts of the AC for each type of forms received i.e., Form6, Form7, Form8, Form8A. After BLO verification, this application is used for either approving / rejecting cases. Updating records in the main database of electoral roll. 31
Integration and Roll Printing This software is used for integration of electoral roll that means for merging Mother Roll and one or more supplementaries*. For the printing Electoral Roll ( Part wise ) with or without photos. Printing of Part Header Page with Control Table Units * Note : Supplementary List means new additions, modifications and deletions in the roll. 32
EPIC Preparation and Printing ERO can create EPIC for Electors using this application. The main functionalities of this application are : - To cross check and verify the data available at the server for EPIC generation After verification of data the EPIC can be generated for each elector in a pdf format. Provision to make duplicate EPIC. To generate MIS report on distribution. 33
Reports Report on Statistical Analysis in Format 1 to 8 analyzing EP Ratio, Sex Ratio, Age Cohorts etc Report on number of claims and objections received in Form 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 8A and percentage of claims and objections accepted Report on deletions giving deletions based on Form 7 and suo-moto deletions separately Report on number of inclusions, deletions and net increase in number of Electors
Major Recent Initiatives Online Repository for Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) All India Database of EVMs maintained by the ECI Data entry completed for Jammu and Kashmir State, district and ware-house wise inventory of Ballot Units (BU) and Control Units (CU) De-duplication and avoidance of conflicts Workflow for Intra-district, Intra-state and Inter-state transfer of BU and CU on demand First-level check (working status) by vendors Second-level check (Randomization) of EVM for deployment
Major Recent Initiatives Public Grievance Monitoring Public Grievance and Citizen Services portal of ECI at http://164.100.34/138/pgr and CEO, DEO, ERO, AERO, RO, ARO and BLO users Establishment of Call Centers at the levels of CEO and DEO Marking/ forwarding of application Deadlines for redressal SMS generation Phone numbers to be mapped to “1950” (Toll Free)
1a 5 1 2 3 4 37 COMPLAINT LEVELS & CONTROLLING OFFICER ECI PGR SERVER AGGRIEVED PEOPLE PUBLIC GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL COMPLAINT LEVELS & CONTROLLING OFFICER ECI NATIONAL / MULTI-STATE COMPLAINTS 1a Complainant can know status of his complaint on Public Website and through Call Centre. For each complaint, a unique Complaint ID via SMS is sent on complainant’s registered mobile/cell phone no. for tracking purpose. 5 COMPLAINT FORWARDING Public Website SINGLE STATE/MULTI DISTRICT COMPLAINTS CEO PGR SERVER Fax Fax AGGRIEVED PEOPLE Phone Call SINGLE DISTRICT/MULTI- AC COMPLAINTS DEO AGGRIEVED PEOPLE Letter 1 2 Complaints from various sources except Public Website and Toll Free No. are entered into the system manually and auto forwarded to the concerned officer with an SMS according to the level chosen by the complainant. All users at each level have their own system account for processing complaints. SINGLE AC COMPLAINTS ERO/RO SMS 3 37 When a complaint is received, concerned officer based on the subject takes necessary action. Officer may manually forward a complaint to next lower hierarchical level (if available) for necessary action. In case of Multi-Level complaints, the final decision will be taken by the next higher level officer of the selected complaint level. Personal Meeting An aggrieved person can lodge a complaint through various channels such as Toll Free No, Public Website, Letter, Fax, Personal Meeting, Phone Call and SMS to concerned officer. COMPLAINT LODGED DIRECTLY TO CONCERNED OFFICER 4 Satisfaction Response for the Action Taken by the officer is confirmed by personal phone call and by Call Centre till the complete disposal of complaint. ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA
Future Plans SMS based Poll Monitoring Tested successfully in Last Vidhan Sabha Polls in Bihar etc. An ‘Event based management system’ – from the time of dispatch till the time of deposition of election material SMS gateway obtained through NIC. 9212357123 is the virtual destination number that ECI has purchased from NIC to receive messages from all over India. TRAI has allowed bulk SMS for this purpose Every functionary – CEO, DEO, RO, ARO, PO made system user by means of their mobile number Pre-poll, Actual Poll and Post-poll process monitoring by means of SMS generated in pre-defined formats SMS can be sent directly or through the System Website Auto-reminders for defaulters to send reports within the set Time Limits Status update enables fast decision making whether the event is sudden or expected
Future Plans Webcasting of Poll process Tested successfully in Last Vidhan Sabha Polls in a few constituencies To keep a check on illegal activities such as booth capturing, money distribution and bogus voting to bringing about complete transparency. To broadcast and monitor LIVE, the election process from a distant polling station. To spread awareness to participate in Free and Fair Elections. Laptop/ Desktop, Webcam, Network connection and a Chat Client / Free software/ 3rd party messenger are all that is required. Prevention of malpractices by election officials Eliminating impersonation Live broadcast enables timely decision and action
ERMS Cell What you will need? Civil/ Electrical works (if required). Basically the room should be neat and clean, dust and seepage free and there should be adequate power sockets to connect the equipment Earthing should be proper in order to prevent high leakage current. Desktops/ Laptops - About 1 per AC Peripherals – 1-2 Printers, One Scanner etc. Stable Power Supply – One UPS 2/3/5 KVA. The supply to sockets should be through this UPS Servo Stabilizer (AVR & Manual) - 7-8 KVA for 5 KVA UPS; 5 KVA for 2-3 KVA UPS DG Set - 10 KVA Adequate Furniture for Computer Centre Connectivity – NICNET (wherever feasible) Consumables – Toners, Stationery, Pen Drives Technical Manpower – Data Entry Staff Telephone Line – Dedicated for 1950 (Only at District HQ)
Stakeholders’ Responsibilities Election Department – Procurement/ purchase of Computers, Printers, Scanners, UPS, DG Set LAN Material (Cables, Switches, Routers), Care and upkeep of all tangible items, Consumables (Toner Cartridges, Stationery) Data Entry for Continuous Updation Disposal of Claims/ Objections Printing / Scanning on small scale Public Grievance Redressal / Monitoring Updation of ERMS Control Tables Updation of PGR/ PSL Control Tables Prepare and provide content (soft copy) for CEO’s website CEO’s Portal updation Data Entry for EVM database
Stakeholders’ Responsibilities NIC (SLA) – State Unit and District Offices Support for Database Storage and Management Software Development and Deployment Software Customization as per user needs Troubleshooting except Hardware maintenance Coordination with vendors for Equipment maintenance Bandwidth provision Video Conferencing facilities Training (faculty only) Networking Support and Technical Guidance/ Consultancy
Stakeholders’ Responsibilities Third Party Vendors – Bulk Data Entry Bulk Printing Managing the DPL (Designated Photography Locations) Photo scanning/ cropping/ cleaning/ compression, grayscale conversion Form001B printing Image integration with E-Rolls database Card Production (printing, hologram, lamination etc.)
Important Website URLs Election Commission of India http://eci.nic.in Chief Electoral Officer, J&K http://ceojk.nic.in Polling Station Location Mapping Data (for viewing only) (for data upload) Public Grievance Redressal System Option 1: Go to eci.nic.in and click on “Online Complaints” Option 2:
Contact Details Saleem Khan, Scientist ‘E’ & Technical Director 0191-2546672, 0194-2474116 +91-9419123923 saleem.khan@nic.in Baiju Ubbot, Scientist ‘B’ 0191-2546672 +91-9419151650 baiju.ubbot@nic.in Election Commission of India ecitechsupport@gmail.com EVM --> Sh. Abhishek Sharma (09810286385) PGR --> Sh. Manish Kumar (09350980259) and Sh. Bikash Kumar (09873446557) MS (Expenditure Monitoring) --> Sh. Amit Gautam (09210061687) and Sh. Rohit Chhabra (09873339975)