Design Research : Research for/on/by Design Kevin McCartney Cork Centre for Architectural Education August 2009
What is “ research ” ? n “ a systematic activity with the goal of Knowledge ”
What is “ research ” ? n “ a systematic activity with the goal of Knowledge ” n “ the collection, manipulation and presentation of Information ”
What is “ research ” ? n “ a systematic activity with the goal of Knowledge ” n “ the collection, manipulation and presentation of Information ” n “ a personal framework for increasing understanding ”
Ludwig Wittgenstein “ Working in philosophy – like working in architecture … - is really more a working on oneself … On one ’ s way of seeing things ”
Paul Valery “ The more I meditate on my art, the more I practice it, the more I think and act, the more I feel my own being with an even surer delight and clarity ” Paul Valery (1932) Socratic Dialogue concerning Eupalinos, the architect
What is “ doctoral research ” ? n an original and significant contribution to knowledge
What is “ doctoral research ” ? n an original and significant contribution to knowledge n which is communicable
What is “ doctoral research ” ? n an original and significant contribution to knowledge n which is communicable n the sources of which can be re-traced
Fields of ACADEMIC ENQUIRY SCIENCE HUMANITIES DESIGN Bruce Archer (1979): “Designerly Approach to Knowledge”
Characteristic Modes of Discourse, Development & Testing SCIENCE HUMANITIES DESIGN Math & Experiment Natural language
Characteristic Modes of Discourse, Development & Testing SCIENCE HUMANITIES DESIGN Math Natural language Modelling: (graphic & physical)
Where did architecture research begin? SCIENCE HUMANITIES DESIGN Math Natural language Modelling
Where did architecture research begin? SCIENCE HUMANITIES DESIGN Math Natural language Modelling
Where is architecture research going? SCIENCE HUMANITIES DESIGN Math Natural language Modelling
What is “ design research ” ? “… is the comparison of designs ” T. De Jong & Leen van Duin (2000) Ways to Study … Design N.B. De Jong uses trhe term Design Research as just one of several types of research related to design: that “ describes and analyses existing designs with a known context ”
De Jong ’ s categories of ways to research design n Naming & describing n Design research & typology n Evaluating n Modelling n Programming & optimising n Technical study n Design study n Study by design
What is “ design research ” ? n Research for Design n Research on/about design n Research by Design
What is “ design research ” ? n Research for Design n Research on/about design n Research by Design – “ Studying the effects of actively and systematically varying both design solutions and their context ” (De Jong, 2005) OR – Exploration of possibilities
UoA 63 descriptor & boundaries fine arts; applied arts and crafts; spatial, 2D & 3D art and design; photography, time-based and digital media; critical, historical and cultural studies contributions to policy, management and entrepreneurship in creative industry, A&D contributions to the construction of a scholarly infrastructure curatorship; pedagogic research in areas identified UK HEFCE
Generic Quality Levels 4* Quality that is world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour. 3* Quality that is internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour but which nonetheless falls short of the highest standards of excellence 2* Quality that is recognised internationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour. 1* Quality that is recognised nationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour. u/ c Quality that falls below the standard of nationally recognised work. Or work which does not meet the published definition of research for the purposes of this assessment.
Quality of Research Outputs Significance. The degree to which the work has enhanced, or is likely to enhance, knowledge, thinking, understanding and/or practice in its field. Originality. The degree to which the work has developed new formulations or data and/or initiated new methods and/or forms of expression. Rigour. The degree of intellectual precision, systematic method and/or integrity embodied in the research.
What is “ doctoral research ” ? n an original and significant contribution to knowledge n which is communicable n the sources of which can be re-traced
What is a “ professional doctorate ” ? n Original Significant Contribution to Practice
What is a “ professional doctorate ” ? n Original Significant Contribution to Practice n Doctoral level but not equivalent to PhD
What is a “ professional doctorate ” ? n Original Significant Contribution to Practice n Doctoral level but not equivalent to PhD n May be more prized by industrial/professional employers
What is “ design research ” ? n Research for Design n Research on/about design n Research by Design
Brainstorming for types of “ design research ” ? n FORM THREE GROUPS to brainstorm: n RED group: “Research for Design” n ORANGE : “Research on/about design” n BLUE group: “Research by Design”
Brainstorming scenario: for ALL groups n a design team is proposing a very tall building for the local town centre. Concern is anticipated regarding its impact on views across the city and on sun, light and wind on the neighbouring buildings and public spaces.
Brainstorming scenario: RED Group: Design FOR Research n What issues and methods might you tackle in this scenario?
Brainstorming scenario: ORANGE Group: Research ON Design n What issues and methods might you tackle in this scenario?
Brainstorming scenario: BLUE Group: Design BY Research n What issues and methods might you tackle in this scenario?