Learning from Serious Case Reviews Child B
Introduction Statutory basis: Working Together to Safeguard Children- A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. March 2010, Chapter 8 p233 Purpose: to examine the actions of agencies, determine if anything could have been done differently to avoid what occurred, to implement change if required. After the S.C.R: Single agency and Multi-agency actions plans and Learning Evaluation and Inspection: Ofsted. Proposed changes by Munro Review of Child Protection. Munro. May 2011 March publication Overview Report and Executive summary.
National Learning Biennial Analyses England (618 SCRs) and Wales (18 SCRs) Some patterns evident Known to CSC ? Just under half of children not known at the time of incident but ¾ known to CSC in the past Age of child? Nearly half under 1, nearly quarter 1- 5, nearly quarter 11-17, (less than 10% aged 6-10) Proportions of serious harm cases rising- formed 40% of all SCR in ( although numbers of SCRs are dropping post publication decision in june2010)
Local Learning There have been 2 SCRs in Newcastle over the last 4 years Are these SCRs unique or part of a pattern? Both 1. Known to CSC and many other professionals 2. CP Plan ? Both considered as vulnerable year old females 4. Drug and alcohol misuse 5. Criminal behaviour 6. Died from drug overdose
Circumstances leading to the Serious Case Review of Child B Child B was admitted to hospital from home on 22 nd March 2010 in a collapsed state and was found to be in multi organ failure brought on by paracetamol ingestion. Despite intense efforts to save her including a liver transplant she died on the 23 rd March 2010
Initial information indicated that Child B took the tablets on 19 th March and was ill at home for 3 days prior to medical attention being sought on 22 nd March. Initial enquiries indicated no other person’s culpability for Child B’s death. A criminal investigation followed an allegation that Child B’s mother had been aware of the overdose throughout the weekend and failed to seek medical assistance. Subsequent enquiries suggested that her Father and sister were also aware of her condition.
Family Themes: Teenage pregnancy Absent fathers Drug and alcohol misuse/dependency Non school attendance / No educational achievement Young carer Poor medical health care Economic deprivation Leaving home at young age Aggressive behaviour from young age Misguided expectations from female members of the family Mistrust of professionals and lack of engagement generational
Practitioners Themes: Not recognising generational themes or cultural values and beliefs Lack of historical perspective Not sharing information at the right time Incomplete paper exercise assessments Focus on mother not seeing the children’s needs behind the adults Low expectations / desensitisation Starting again Misguided expectations What is good enough parenting? Totality of adolescent neglect
Learning good practice: Referred to appropriate services (timing and consistency) Identified as vulnerable (early intervention key)
Learning cont…. Effective multi-agency planning and practice Knowledge, skills and confidence in working with families where neglect is a feature (adolescent neglect) Recognise the potential risks to children of alcohol misuse and the need for early identification Strategies and skills for working with ‘hard to change’ or ‘highly resistant’ families
Learning cont…. Importance of alternative education provision Strengthening of formal admission and transition arrangements involving schools Importance of support for the child and family whilst excluded from school Reinforces the message about the potential dangers of drugs that contain paracetamol Greater focus on issues of equality and diversity within case work and delivery of services
Next steps: Take learning back to your workplace for discussion and suggestions to improve practice and front line delivery Implement monitor and review Practice improvement is a Continuous activity
Learning from what works Always focus on the child Serious Case Review Learning (National) NSCB Appreciative Enquiry Model Signs of Safety Family Group Conferences Involvement of Families
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