Overview Background Providing sustainable academic development for teaching staff Using action research and enquiry processes for embedding work Research projects Conclusion
Background New Zealand context Unitec and the Academic Literacies Team Move from ‘informed prescription’... (Fullan, 2003, p. 6) Informed prescription informed professional judgement
Providing sustainable academic development Functions of academic development Key components of successful change initiatives Occupational identity of teachers
Action research and enquiry processes for embedding work Plan Determine issue + intervention Act Implement intervention Observe Observe how intervention addresses issue Reflect Reflect + evaluate success of intervention Steps of action research + embedding cycle Diagnose Intervene Test Reflect + evaluate Authored by Schwenger, 2010
Meta-evaluationCan action research + enquiry lead to sustainable change in academic development? ElectrotechnologyNumeracy Place value Animal CareTerminology LibraryListening + accessibility of library vodcasts Foundation Studies NursingWriting reports Automotive TechnologyWriting skills MusicReading of discipline texts Research projects
Research findings to date Meta-Evaluation preliminary findings ‘common ground’ in approaches PD affecting their teaching aims: student gains + becoming more effective
Critique, comment and share … Turn to the person next to you. What are your thoughts about using action research and enquiry processes to achieve sustainable academic development? Use the questions on the handout to structure your discussion. Report back to the larger group.