National Family Benefit Scheme It was implemented as a part of the NSAP In In it was transferred to the State Governments and from Centrally Sponsored Scheme to State plan. Amongst the least priority schemes
National family benefit scheme. Target – On the deaths of Primary breadwinner (age between18 to 65 years) of BPL families. Entitlements- On the death of Primary breadwinner of the BPL family. A lumpsum cash of Rs should be given in case of accidental deaths and 5000 Rs in case of Natural causes. The payment is to be made to the surviving head of the household after a local enquiry.
Supreme court Orders BPL families should be paid Rs within four weeks through local sarpanch when the breadwinner dies. The scheme is not to be discontinued or restricted without the permission of SC.
What to check in NFBS ? How many BPL families in the village that lost their earning member gets the benefits How many cases are pending. Whether an application was filed. Whether the benefit was given within four weeks of the death. Whether the family got the full amount of Rs 10,000/-. Number of families who ever applied for the benefit but they have not yet been included in the list.
Find out what is happening In your area regarding the implementation of Sc order. Surveys and informal enquires can be done for understanding the situation. Involve the gram sabha and other institutions like PTA,vigilance committee, mahila mandals and all concerned persons of the village in the enforcement of SC orders. In case of any violation of the Sc order starts at local level. If it does not work try to approach the concerned officers. If case of no responses approach to collector because collector is bound to register your complaint under the SC order. The public hearing is one of the good option to draw attention of the public as well as the government. If no action was taken on your complaint move to the advisor of the SC. Redressel mechanism