Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO UNIVERSIDADE TÉCNICA DE LISBOA CESUR – Environment and spacial dynamics METROPOLIS: Lisbon Metropolitan Area Case Study Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR – Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Present Land Use in Lisbon Metropolitan Area Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Proposed Land Use in Lisbon Metropolitan Area Agriculture and forest Social facilities Industrial Industrial proposed Commerce and services Proposed urban areas Existing urban areas Green areas A g r i c o l e e t f o r e t s E q u i p e m e n t e t u t i l i z a t i o n s p é c i a l I n d u s t r i e l e x i s t a n t I n d u s t r i e l p r o p o s é T e r c i a i r e E x p a n s i o n u r b a i n e U r b a i n V e r t d e p r o t e c t i o n Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Tagus Park of Science and technology 172 ha today: 6.000 students + jobs future: 25.000 students + jobs Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 “Parque das Nações” urban development area 330 ha future: 18.000 jobs and 25.000 inhabitants in 2009 waterfront: 5 km Gross floor area: 2 million m2 Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Land use zonning at “Parque das Nações” area Groups South Central North Zone 1 - Medium Housing Density and Leisure Zone 5 - Commercial e Leisure Zone 8 - High Housing Density and Social Facilities Zone 9 – Medium Housing Density, Cultural, Health Facilities e Medical Assistance, Green Spaces Zone 2- Medium Housing Density and Leisure Zone 6 - Cultural Facilities and Leisure Zone 10 – Sports Facilities, High Housing Density Zone 3 – Housing and Social facilities Zone 7 - Cultural Facilities and Leisure Zone 11- Industries, Housing e Social Facilities Zone 4 – Services and Green Spaces Zone 12 – Leisure Facilities and Low Housing Density, Green Spaces Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Área de Dinâmicas Espaciais e Ambiente
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Albufeira Silves Setúbal Costa Caparica Cacém V.F. Xira Torres Vedras Portalegre Castelo Branco Tomar Leiria Marinha Grande Coimbra Covilhã Guarda Viseu Aveiro Bragança Chaves Viana do Castelo Vila do Conde Porto * Matosinhos V. N. Gaia Gondomar Valongo Beja Vila Real Sintra Guimarães Évora The POLIS Program 1st phase 18 cities 2nd phase 10 cities 3rd phase 4 cities Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 POLIS Castelo Branco Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 POLIS Leiria Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 The MST Light Rail Project Main objectives: Contribution for the development of a sustainable mobility policy; Improvement of urban environment quality in the municipalities involved in the project; Development of an integrated public transport system; Connection between the main urban centers in the conurbation of the South bank of the Tagus River, thus improving urban and functional cohesion; Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 The Light Rail Network of the MST Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 The risks transference at the MST project Risks associated with the construction entirely assumed by the concessionaire Risks associated with the demand – partly transferred to the state Risks associated with the operation – enterely assumed by the concessionaire Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
General Detailed Project Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Costs involved in the MST implementation Feasibility study (Costs in 106 €) General Detailed Project Tender Infrastructure 174 -- 205 Infrastructure plus expropriation 169 225 Rolling stock 100 54 44 The variation in the infrastructure costs about 18% between the Feasibility Study and the Tender Bids about 33% between the General Detailed Project and the Tender Bids (It is also important to note that between the Feasibility Study and the General Detailed Project the cost estimation has decreased) The rolling stock costs decreased. (This is mainly due to the fact that nowadays this kind of rolling stock is widespread, so there is a tendency to lower the prices of this kind of equipment) Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Detail Plan - EZ North of Sines Urban design Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Detail Plan - EZ North of Sines Land ownership Invesfer Municipality Privates Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics
Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Detail Plan - EZ North of Sines Results of the equitable distribution of building rights Metropolis - Lisbon Seminar – September 2002 Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva – IST / CESUR - Environment and spacial dynamics