Chemical Caffeine is the world's favorite psychoactive substance
Coffee Tea Soda Chocolate Medications
Oral Inhaled Rectal
Added to pain killers for treating headache Asthma Gallbladder disease ADHD Shortness of breath in new born babies Low blood pressure Weight loss
Type 2 Diabetes Decrease urine output Dermatitis Increase athletic ability
Stimulates the Central Nervous System ◦ Brain ◦ Spinal Cord ◦ Heart rate ◦ Blood Pressure It takes about 5 minutes for caffeine to begin to stimulate the CNS, 30 minutes for the full effect.
Adrenal exhaustion High blood sugar Abnormal sleep patterns Depression Dehydration Malnutrition Caffeine tolerance Withdrawal
MG per day is not harmful in healthy adults.
Insomnia Nervousness Restlessness Irritability Stomach upset Fast heartbeat Muscle tremors
Most of us intake more than the recommended amount per day.
Coffee-134 MG Cappuccino-234 MG Iced Tea –110 MG Chai Tea-120 MG Soda (dark)-50 MG average Cocaine energy shot-280 MG Rock Star energy shot-200 MG 5 hour energy-138 MG Jolt-280MG
NOS-260MG Monster-160 MG Redline-350 MG Rock Star-330 MG Chocolate-100MG No Doz-200 MG Excedrin-130MG
Crystallized caffeine inhaler/ingested 100 MG of caffeine depending on how deep you inhale
A. Recent consumption of caffeine, usually in excess of 250 mg (e.g., more than 2-3 cups of coffee). B. Five (or more) of the following signs, developing during, or shortly after, caffeine use: restlessness nervousness excitement insomnia flushed face diuresis gastrointestinal disturbance muscle twitching rambling flow of thought and speech tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia periods of in inexhaustibility psychomotor agitation
C. The symptoms in criterion B cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., an anxiety disorder). Information from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV
Headache Increase jaw tension Lethargy Low motivation Sleep disturbances Stomach ulcers Depression
Even though many states have banned alcoholic/energy drinks there are increasing numbers of college age students showing up in the Emergency Room and calling poison control centers with alcohol intoxication. Why? Because they are mixing their own alcoholic/energy drinks.
Energy DrinkAlcohol Stimulate Increase heart rate Nausea Seizures Depressant Pass out Vomit Aspirate Usually someone who drinks will eventually pass out. If they are drinking alcohol with energy drinks, the caffeine will keep them awake and allow them to drink increasingly large amounts of alcohol and become more intoxicated.
Fruit flavored malt beverage-watermelon, cherry, lemonade, etc. 12% alcohol as much as a 6 pack of beer As much caffeine as 5 cups of coffee
Increase dopamine levels in the body What is dopamine? The neurotransmitter in the brain that is associated with rewards. Therefore once the reward system is activated then you continue to reward more and more.