Research Topic Explore: “I am interested in: caffeine and pregnancy and women” gives the following candidates Question is interpreted by Boolean logic: the three concepts appear anywhere in the record. Number of hits for individual concepts also are shown. Research Topic Explore: “I am interested in: the effect of caffeine on pregnant women” gives the following candidates Only two concepts identified, that is “pregnant women” is considered as one concept. Candidate in which concepts are “closely associated” (usually within a single sentence) is presented together with candidate where the two concepts are anywhere in the record. APPENDIX 1
Research Topic Explore: “I am interested in: the effect of caffeine on pregnancy in women” gives the following candidates Three concepts are identified and are presented “closely associated” and “anywhere in the record”. Then all possible combinations of two of the concepts are presented similarly. Finally the individual concepts are presented. Research Topic Explore: “I am interested in: caffeine pregnancy women” gives the following candidate Input is interpreted as a single “concept” and not as separate keywords. Words in a single concept will appear “closely associated” in the record.
An alternative approach would be to start from the substance caffeine through Research Topic Chemical Substance, then to “Get References” and finally “Refine References” with the concept, for example “pregnant women”. This gives 42 references and the “History” of this “Task” looks like: A similar (but not the same) answer set is obtained. The difference is that when a substance name is entered through Explore: Research Topic then the CAS Registry Number for the substance and all records with the substance name (as entered) are retrieved. However some records from the latter may refer to derivatives of the substance, for example a record containing the words “analogues of caffeine” or “caffeine derivatives” would be retrieved when “caffeine” is in the input. However when approached from Explore: Chemical Substance only records with the CAS Registry Number will be retrieved. This provides greater precision (when that is a key criterion).
References are first presented in abbreviated format. To see the complete record click on the microscope. To mark a record (for example to refine, save or print only some records), check the rectangular box and execute the further instruction required. Substances are first presented in abbreviated format. To see the complete record click on the microscope. To mark a record (for example to refine,save or print only some substances), check the rectangular box and execute the further instruction required.